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Today is my 2 year anniversary!!


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I just wanted to tell everybody thank you for the support and the encouragement that this user community has provided to me over the last two years. two years ago today I made a decision to never take amphetamines again and to throw away my Adderall and just go cold turkey. for me it was the right decision because I could never taper down from taking Adderall and I would always find some excuse to take some more. I was never physically addicted but I believe I was very much psychologically addicted and when I did not take Adderall I felt completely drained and unable to function. like many have commented on for the first 90 days you just have to be willing to be a bump on a log and not really be functional at all but that's OK because in the end run it will pick up speed and it'll be worth your time to go through the difficulty of dragging through yourself through the first 90 days.

while on Adderall I felt like either I was a robot and I didn't have any emotions or my anger would flare up and I would react in a very negative and angry way towards things that didn't require the level of intense emotions that I displayed at the time. quitting Adderall was one of my best decisions that I've made in my lifetime and I have made sure that my son does not take any amphetamines for his ADHD but treats it naturally with Pinebark and other natural supplements.

My life is not perfect but I'm for happier and far more in control of my life and I see myself with a bright future and I have a beautiful woman that I'm with now that makes my life very enjoyable.

my life is not perfect but I'm far happier and far more in control of my life and I see myself with a bright future and I have a beautiful woman that I'm with now that makes my life very enjoyable. please don't give up quitting Adderall and amphetamines your life will be so much better for it but just be prepared for the ups and downs that happen during the time in which your body and your mind adjust to the lack of amphetamines.

The post below really help me understand the different stages that my body would go through so I wouldn't be frustrated in the process nor have unachievable expectations during my recovery.

I wish each and everyone of you the absolute best...NEVER GIVE UP!!!



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