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Front page of NYT this morning

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  On 2/3/2013 at 5:41 PM, Heather67 said:

I think when you choose to end your own life ...there certainly are a lot of internal things all collsing at once...but if someone is having such thoughts due to going off adderall too...should I still tell them that is the best route..I know for myself and others it still is and was...but for someone who could be posting an edited version or life...or an accurate one....if someone took their own life coming off medication...I would be beyond beside myself of course. I know its an extreme scenario ...but it just kinda made me think.

I have to reread the article. But did he end his life after a forced

quit? Or did he atill have access to prescriptions. I thought at the end he managed to reestablish a prescribing relationship with his doc. What a sad story. My heart goes out to his family.

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I think you're right,which is so twisted because it HAD to have been apparent to even a layman ,let alone a medical professional in this field of expertise that he was an extreme state of addiction. It reminds me of trying to get help for my husband...how many of these places that claim to want to help you and your family get off the addiction spiral...just to be told...yeah,we don't even wanna hear it without insurance. CLICK!!! AHH,THE TRUTH COMES OUT THAT ADDICTION SHOULD BE ON THE TOP 10 OF FORBES HOW TO MAKE $$$$$ LIST. they didn't give a shit that I was crying and begging that I didn't think either of us could make it another day. We are both alive though ....Richard is not...and profit was indeed made on him...horrible.

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Whether this guy quit because he went voluntarily cold turkey or he couldn't get a prescription, he obviously slipped in to a very deep depression after he quit. Many of us have felt that depression, some of us have been suicidal, some of us got the help we needed either by force or choice. If there is any takeaway for the psychiatric community from this I'd love for it to be this: if you're a prescribing doctor and you stop prescribing adderall to a patient, for gods sake keep an eye on them and warn them of the oncoming and inevitable depression that will follow.

My doctor said to me precisely two things when I told him I had quit: one was that I would relapse, and the other was that I could go back on it if I needed to at any time. No support, until he entered me in to the psych ward when I attempted suicide. The entire time I was there he never checked on me, called my husband back, offered any kind of support. Terrible malpractice if you ask me.

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Hey guys. Its been a couple weeks since ive posted. I just read that entire article and im scared to death. For those who dont know, I was on 10-20mg IR a day for ~4.5 yrs. I quit cold turkey for about a month or so but my anxiety and depression went thru the roof. Went back on 10 mg a day for 2 months and then 5 mg a day for a week and now im 20 days off. Its been real hard and for the most part the anxiety is gone (today its actually bad) but i have some heavy depression and fatigue. I really dont wanna have to go back on. Im just constantly petrified about my general bill of health and hope to God that i can one day manage to be happy again. Im so very sad and wish someone would could just tell with 100 percent certainty that i'm going to recover and be a normal and happy person. I have a history o depression and anxiety. While on adderall this all went away but now that im off, im just really sad and anxious all the time. Sometimes i feel that its slowly getting better...but then days like today i just feel doom and gloom. Damn this fu*king 'medicine'. :(


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  On 2/4/2013 at 7:06 PM, Sebastian05 said:

Hey guys. Its been a couple weeks since ive posted. I just read that entire article and im scared to death. For those who dont know, I was on 10-20mg IR a day for ~4.5 yrs. I quit cold turkey for about a month or so but my anxiety and depression went thru the roof. Went back on 10 mg a day for 2 months and then 5 mg a day for a week and now im 20 days off. Its been real hard and for the most part the anxiety is gone (today its actually bad) but i have some heavy depression and fatigue. I really dont wanna have to go back on. Im just constantly petrified about my general bill of health and hope to God that i can one day manage to be happy again. Im so very sad and wish someone would could just tell with 100 percent certainty that i'm going to recover and be a normal and happy person. I have a history o depression and anxiety. While on adderall this all went away but now that im off, im just really sad and anxious all the time. Sometimes i feel that its slowly getting better...but then days like today i just feel doom and gloom. Damn this fu*king 'medicine'. :(


Congratulations on making it 20 days clean! That's really, really tough esp after you were on it for so long.

Also there is good news - there is absolutely no evidence to say your brain won't go back to normal after being on adderall for so long. The bad news is that it takes time (as I'm very much learning, every single impatient day). The good news is there are people here all the time who made it through and have seen life restore itself to normal. The bad news is that normal is tough sometimes, you know, in life. You get the point...

Hang in there during these dark days. Are you managing to get enough rest? Do you have support of family and friends? So glad you posted again and congrats on 21 days, if you made it through today that is.

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The NY Attorney General wrote a letter to the editor at the NYT today. Sure, it's great that some states are introducing a drug tracking system, but I am still concerned that they haven't even touched on addressing the other real need: post-addiction care necessary to ensure cases like this suicide case don't happen again. Just seems so shortsighted, you know?


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Since this article, it kind of seems like adderall abuse underwent a huge publicity campaign these past couple weeks, on radio, daytime talk, morning talk shows, magazines etc etc.. Here is a kind of sidebar piece to the Times article that Forbes did


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Wow, but sadly not surprising. It's never been more prescribed. I know the perils and I'm still experiencing them.

it's big time. Anybody can get a script these days... mysister has some mental illness that came abot in the last ten years and she is an adderall addict along w/ extreme instability... Her doctors continue to prescribe even after they knew she has a serios problem. I have come close to calling the office. It's easy to get, but when medical professionals keep prescribing high doses to know addicts there's somethigng really wrong.

I have many health problems and have severe legitimate pain. I have had casts and dental work... It's hard to get pain medicine even when you need them (like after surgery), but adderall is a free for all.

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  On 2/4/2013 at 5:12 PM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

My doctor said to me precisely two things when I told him I had quit: one was that I would relapse, and the other was that I could go back on it if I needed to at any time. No support, until he entered me in to the psych ward when I attempted suicide. The entire time I was there he never checked on me, called my husband back, offered any kind of support. Terrible malpractice if you ask me.

That is malpractice. I think you should report him to your State Medical Board and the Professional Licensing Board of whichever state he's in. It might shake him up enough that he'll pay more attention the next time one of his patients is in danger. what a jerk.

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Yep, as NYer I can attest that this story sounds very familiar... unfortunately this city is filled with people who come here to go balls-to-the-wall, workhardplayhard crazy, and get totally self absorbed in the meantime and lose their bearings. This happens without adderall. To be honest, I feel like her story is pretty typical of a young woman "finding herself" in NYC. The only difference is that her drug of choice is adderall. For many others its coke, or xanax, or alcohol.

Side story -- I was in a (fairly upscale) store the other day trying on some clothes I couldn't afford, and in the stalls next to me me were two young women, openly discussing in loud voices how their sugar daddies were going to pay for the outfits they were about to try on. I wish I'd been shocked by this, but I've been here too long for that.

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