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Posts posted by CarpeDiem!

  1. I was on Wellbutrin all throughout the months following my quit date. I stopped the Wellbutrin 2 months ago. I will say, I may need to be back on it, but my goal is to live life pharmaceutical free. I walk or run most mornings, and I just try to remind myself that I am very capable of living a good life. A year ago, I didn't even get out of bed without popping an adderall. I fully believed I literally couldn't do the simplest thing without it. I swallowed about 200 mgs daily for over a decade. I feel like it may have changed my brain chemistry, but then again, I'm hoping that I still need to give myself time to fully heal. I just take it a day at a time.

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  2. I was on aprox 250mg a day for about 15 years. I was very deep into addiction. My recovery has been tough, but doable. Exercise, rest, food, and sleep have been very healing. I also take Wellbutrin, which had really helped. The constant fatigue and brain fog have definitely gotten better at this point, as well as the constant appetite. I'm taking one day at a time, but I'm doing great. The first month wasn't fun at all for me.

  3. Ohhhh, I know your routine well. Stick with it and you'll see that you can manage to happily live life without adderall, and a productive life at that. I'm just a little over 3 months clean, and I don't regret quitting. I was on a bad downward spiral, and it had to be done. Give yourself lots of rest, yummy food, and be patient. Good job quitting!!

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  4. Today is day 110 for me. I don't think about adderall too much anymore, but was curious about my days, so I just did a calendar count. I can see now that I'll be just fine. I continue to slowly move forward, but in a happy and calm way. I can tell this will be a pretty long road, but I'm grateful I'm on it. And I'll say it again (and not for the last time), this site and the people on it are awesome. Ya'll are the only people in the world who know just how dark and how addicted I was for over a decade, and ya'll are the only ones who know what quitting adderall really means. There is SO much light at the end of my tunnel <3

    On a lighter note-- Anyone wanna come clean my house??? I mostly suck at that these days.... :)

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  5. My friend, you have got to stop. I saw so much of myself in your words. I'm not sure what Benzedrine is, but my adderall intake was pretty high. Did I read correctly that you have four different adderall scripts? You have got to cut them off and seek help. A body can only take so much before it gives out, and I'm certain your like is worth way more than adderall. I quit 3 months ago, and my binges, endless "projects", wasting money, not truly focusing on my child, irregular heart beats, sweating, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and on, and on. Every day gets me further from that part of my life, and Leif is so much better without. You can do this. You NEED to do this. We are here to support you.

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