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  1. Adrafinil is actually pretty good stuff! I've tried it a few times alongside with a couple of other nootropics back in 2014 when i was starting to looking for alternatives for adderall since all it was doing was getting me into trouble repeatedly and not necessarily helping me. Have yall heard of Sunifiram? I've tried it since it supposed to be a hyper-potent nootropic (geared towards memory and focus). I've really been learning about these nootropics and some of the older ones (like Piracetam), since the whole reason I was taking adderall was to boost my focus and memory.
  2. Hey everyone! I spent a long time trapped in the same patterns of depending on adderall for keeping me "up-to-snuff". It all started in 2005 when I traded some speakers from my car for some adderall from my cousin. Started using it to help me boost through the last two years of High School. Ended up seeing good results in terms of grades and productivity (these diminished in time) but started eating less (who has time to eat when you can do math?!) and becoming even more anti-social than I already was. After several months of using ridiculous amounts, I started getting headaches when I would take it and the days where I didn't take it I had something like a heavy cloud over my head in terms of mental focus and stability. I managed to get off of them in 2007 but returned back to them my third semester in college, afterall it worked for me so well in High School maybe I could use them again to boost through mid terms and finals and then kick them. Long story short since I didn't have a prescription I ended up getting into trouble and having to drop out of college because I was on probation needed money and was quickly going back to the social ghost and walking skeleton of my high school days.
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