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  1. I've recently been attempting to let go of adderall. I started taking it about 15 years ago when I was a kid, but it didn't become a problem until the last couple years when I made the "amazing" discovery that if you just take more than you are supposed, even with severe ADHD, it can feel like a mirical drug. I read a lot of people really come unglued when they are at work, but does anyone else feel the opposite? At work I am surrounded by people who are watching out for me, reminding me what to do, when to do it (even if they are a little irritated that I'm not as naturally motivated) I still have a general idea of what I should be doing. When I'm off work is when I fall apart. I don't know what to do with myself. I look around my house, at my guitar, my computer, all the things I would usually dive right in to without thought, seem like such a chore. Even mindless video games seem like too much effort. Ps this is my first post so if I'm not in the right spot or anything let me know lol
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