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Posts posted by Quitting4good

  1. I totally understand and relate to your story. My adderall use started in college as well and picked heavily in grad school. I also thought I couldn't do my work without it, but it has been two years since I've taken it daily. I've had slips but no regular daily use. It was definitely had at first, an adjustment, but I realized I didn't need it to do my work, and actually enjoyed my job more without it. Also I was not affectionate with my boyfriend either but now we are so much closer and I love our intimacy versus when I was on adderall it was more of a chore. I'm not saying it's going to be easy but it will be worth it. I'd suggest using this site and also opening up to your boyfriend about your issue as well as maybe getting a counselor to help with quitting. Your a lot stronger than you think you are!! You can do this!

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  2. Thanks for sharing your story and struggles, it's such a hard battle. I found going to a substance abuse counselor really helpful, as well as being honest with people close to me who are providing support and I can talk to about my addiction. I'd also maybe suggest focusing on one or two drugs at a time rather than quitting everything all at once which can be very very difficult. Maybe try to focus on the most problematic issues like stop taking adderall and drinking if those are the most intense addictions. Once that is under control then focus on stopping using cigs and coffee. Just some ideas!! Keep up the good work and it's awesome you flushed the script!! Your stronger than you think!

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  3. You can do this! The first few days are the worst and then it's getting through the cravings. Of course it's hard to get rid of those last scripts, but you will be thanking yourself when your sober and feeling like yourself again. Remind yourself you don't need a drug to feel good or accomplish things in your life! I'd suggest finding a good substance abuse counselor as well, that has helped me a lot. Be strong and positive- you can do this!

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  4. Hey everyone! Just wanted to give an update- I got through the terrible withdrawals without taking any adderall- been sober for a week from it and feeling more like myself. Getting back to exercising and eating right is helping with my mental health and feeling positive!

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  5. I decided to not stay silent any longer thanks to your post!

    Two years ago I decided I needed to stop depending on Adderall, I told my prescriber I was moving and couldn't see him any longer because I didn't have the courage to tell him I take those 90 pills in a few days and then go through hellish withdrawals. It was way more difficult than I thought it would be to get through daily life without them. I would think about them daily and obsess about how I could get some or if I should go back to that idiot doctor who I totally manipulated. Since then I have had numerous slips, stealing from my fiancé (who has ADHD and takes his prescription as prescribed (aka 1 pill per day) and actually hates taking them and may be stopping) he had no idea about how bad my addiction was until he saw how many pills I took from him and how he had to keep his prescription at his office because I can't control myself, and anytime he brings some home I steal them. I don't want to have these stupid slips. I don't want him to be be upset with me and worry about me. I want to be completely done with Adderall from here on out.

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  6. Thank you so much for the support. I actually started crying reading your replies because I'm not the only one who has struggled with this drug, it makes me feel like I'm not crazy. I'm very happy I got the courage to post and start to use this site to help maintain my sobriety from adderall. Today is day 1 of the rest of my life without any adderall!

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  7. Thank you so much for the support, Its so hard going through this when you feel alone in the addiction, like no one understands the intense power this stupid drug has over you. I agree with your point, I need to see Adderall as a serious drug, like meth, it's so addictive, if I knew what I know now I would of never tried it. I've made some progress considering I used to take it daily, and now it's more of the random use so I know I can function perfectly fine without it, but I want to stop completely and get rid of this obsession. The depression that occurs afterwards is just awful, so not worth it at all.

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  8. Hey- so this is my first time posting, but I have read over this site a million times over the last 6 years while I was trying to stop using Adderall. I don't even know where to begin, I am just so frustrated in myself for letting this go on for so long and always relapsing because I know just how to convince myself into using Adderall. I started taking it in college to study for finals, then it turned into taking it to stay up while going out and partying, and then I started depending on it for everything (cleaning, shopping, all school work, laundry). I kept up my use during graduate school and then also when I graduated and moved in with my now fiance, who actually has ADHD and is prescribed Adderall, which created another huge problem- I have taken a lot of pills from him (I've only had my own prescription for a short time and would buy them otherwise). I feel so disgusted with my actions, I love him so much and never want to hurt him. He keeps his prescription at his office because I will take them them, and if he does bring any home, I always find a way to take some and convince myself that he won't find out and then I take way more then I planned on and have to tell him because its obvious when 10 pills are missing. I started going to a therapist last month after I took yet another pill from my fiance, and things were going well until Saturday when he brought some home and since I am sneaky and manipulative, I found his hiding spot and had complete binge on Adderall. I only planned on taking a few on one day and that turned into a lot over 2 days. My fiance is so upset with me and is appalled at how much I took and also worries that I could of had a heart attack. So now here I am, I did not sleep at all last night and have a terrible headache, twitchy, foggy, craving more, tired, depressed, guilty, angry, and even had to call out of work today. All of these negatives for what, an extra boost of energy and motivation to keep busy and active when I could of easily enjoyed my weekend more without taking any pills. I crave and expect the euphoria I used to get from Adderall, but I don't get that anymore, no matter how many I take, so why am I still going back to this stupid orange pill? It only causes emotional pain, physical pain, and relationship problems. This has to be my last slip- one final all out binge of Adderall, my rock bottom. I have said this over 20 times over the years, but I really do want this to be the end of my addiction. I'd really appreciate any comments, support, or advice, also anyone else's similar struggles with relapsing. Thank you for letting me share!

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