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Posts posted by Burnie

  1. Hey man,

    I'm a Senior in Aerospace Engineering and I've had to drop a couple classes this semester. I was averaging 0-4 hours of sleep for over 2 years and ended up working up a ridiculous tolerance-- inducing a vicious cycle. During peak dosing (my brain was getting blasted), I was struggling to just turn in homeworks and no longer was I acing my exams. Haven't quit 100% because I keep slipping every now and again but I'm determined.

    Like Calo, I have also experienced a significant degeneration of my intellectual capabilities. I used to be praised for having a very good memory, but now it's pretty pathetic. I used to be able to deconstruct complex math/engineering problems with elegance but now I can barely identify connections. My writing/reading levels have dropped, and many times I have to read simple sentences over before it registers. I'm just not sharp and it really pains me because I have 5 classes left to graduate and I'm tanking my GPA or dropping classes.

    Fortunately, my older brother who was also addicted for about 3 years, gives me hope. He's a true genius and has helped me cope through the times. He felt these symptoms of withdrawal for a long time but now he says he's regained his cognition and his mind is much sharper-- much healthier, and his intellect has excelled much further than it ever was on addy. The work-ethic comes, and you'll realize the quality of your study is much better. The material marinates much better, much more naturally, and you will perform better.

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  2. Yeah, you've gotta flush them all down the toilet and get rid of contacts that can hook it up. Everytime you think about taking one, just remember that dark place and looking in the mirror at your afflicted self. Your profile picture of you smiling? Yeah, you're gonna be doing that again sooner than you think. Life will come back in resolution and suddenly a vivid sense of clarity and appreciation for the simple things become your North Star to happiness. Happiness-- that shit's underrated. Fuck your courses for now, you've gotta break the seams of that cocoon and win the war. I quit about 3 weeks ago, refilled today, but my brother talked me in to flushing them down the toilet tonight. What your doing now is kinda nonsense, and just silly so cut it out right meow. The Devil and God are raging inside you right now, and you know what to do--so just do it. Don't let adderall rob you while you're still young. The addiction is narrates a foul rationalization to keep those pills at bay, but you gotta be a boss in this nasty situation and find the will power to do it. The trick is finding that will--but I would recommend looking towards that person in your profile picture. Happiness. Isn't that the ultimate objective?

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