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  1. How do I make a ticker like the ones that you guys have? I can't figure it out!
  2. I am on day 8 and I really really want to take something! I feel like trying vyvanse instead of adderall but I know that I will regret it most likely. I want want it so so bad!!! Also, Mike talks in the disclaimers that how this is a miracle drug for the people that actually need it. So how do I know whether I am one of those people??? P.S. How do I create a ticker?
  3. Mike - I live in Buckhead area. I would love to meet up. Anyone else want to meet up, please let me know!!!
  4. I have been taking adderall since I was 11 years old. I am now 29 years old. That is 18 years of living an inauthentic life. And 2 years of ritalin before that. 2 out of 3 decades on this planet drugged up and numbed out. At first, it was nice that I could finally calm down and somewhat focus. However, it was at a huge sacrifice. I used to light up the room. I used to be bold and would try anything. Now I am stuck in a dead end job that I hate and everyday I simply try not to kill myself. I am on day 6 of no adderall and boy is it hard. I have ADHD but I still want to find my passion. P.S. How do I creatI have been taking adderall since I was 11 years old. I am now 29 years old.
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