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Posts posted by Yogichris

  1. 20 hours ago, Frank B said:

    YogiChris thanks for your post means a lot at a loss for words about your childhood just horrible. I have a neighbor with a grandson who comes over from time to time good kid. He was dealt that same hand a couple years ago just horrible.


    Nice that he has you to visit frank. Keep us posted how you do with the Wellbutrin. Hope it helps some. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Frank B said:

    For me the depression has been too much to bare on my own. Most days I've often considered suicide as a easy answer. I feel like my productive life is over and going back to adderal is not a solution. But all the supplements , prayer, dieting and exercise has not helped my gloom outlook. So I did research on my own and picked out a depression pill I feel has the least negative side effects for me. I went to my doctor and asked to be put on wellbutrin xl and now I'm on it. Its sort of twisted how we get meds no longer can you expect a doctor to research you pretty much decide for yourself.  But I knew going to the doctors with no suggestions the first recommendation would be a ssri which I had terrible side effects maybe it works for some but just not me and has risky side effects. I sort of feel I'm giving up in some ways taking a mood altering prescription again but my suicidal thoughts were a big red flag I must try something. Been on it now a couple days moods a bit better energy up a small amount. I have not had any negative side effects so far. Maybe I'll need to be on this for a year or more maybe the rest of my life not sure but I had to try something. 

    I wasn't going to chime in but had to. If you all recall, I wasn't on adderall, my ex is. Still tough going through the breakup....

    I wanted to share, from someone not on adderall and dealing with quitting, relapsing, thoughts of wanting to get back on, etc, I can't imagine what you're all dealing with. I can say, I experience a lot of what you're all sharing....I've struggled with depression for about 5 years now, anxiety, panic attacks (was even put on short term disability). I experience a lack of motivation at work and feel lost, not sure what I'm doing with my life at times, even had thoughts of what's the point of living. My point is, my situation is different than all of yours, my father shot my mother when I was 5, I was in and out of foster care, then adopted, now my adoptive family doesn't talk to me, there's more to the story, but....What I'm trying to share I guess is life is tough and can be tougher for some. I've been on Wellbutrin, for about a year now, and I think it's helped. I don't plan on staying on it for a lengthy amount of time. But Frank, it's definitely not addicting the way pain pills or adderall can be. I've tried adderall to see how it felt, never started using it a lot, but I can see how it's addicting. I've had addiction issues in the past with a substance, but Wellbutrin is definitely not something to worry about getting addicted to (in my opinion). Think of it as a cast. If you break your arm, you need a cast for a bit for the bones to heal. You just need to heal a bit from using adderall and pain meds, so this is like a temporary cast for your brain and health.

    And to everyone else, sorry for the long message, but depression, lack of motivation, anxiety, it all sucks. Not sure if you find any comfort in my post sharing that I never used adderall like you did but still experience a lot of what you do after quitting. The biggest help has been staying healthy, mind, body, spirit, hanging out with healthy friends, sharing my story, yoga, reading books about health, spirituality, self help, listening to podcasts, and really taking the pressure of yourself to be someone you think you should be. To enjoy the small things, seeing the sun, cooking, appreciating nature, talking to a stranger at the grocery store, enjoying your loved ones...I wish you all the best in your continued journey. Life is up and down and I swear when you feel down everything seems to not go your way. I know I feel that way. But, I guess this is a roller coaster too, this journey we call life. And your journey of quitting. I wish you the best and send my love. Thanks for letting me have a voice on here when sometimes I feel bad chiming in. This community is damn amazing. 

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  3. Congrats on one year down positivethoughts! What a great message in regard to emotions, how you should be feelings things and aware/connected. I don't take adderall but my ex did, and I still visit this forum just to help myself through the breakup. Your post made me smile and it's inspiring to hear everyone's stories and experiences. This forum is an amazing community. Congrats again!! :) 

  4. SmhJen, dadofthree, bluemoon...everyone...your posts are incredibly helpful and honest. I heard of a new term recently, love addiction, (just read a book on this) and it's completely me. Basically people like me are co-dependent and when in love, can become addicted to that person (and the partner typically has a substance abuse). But we love so deeply we don't want to believe that our partner has an issue, we tend to make excuses for them, believe their words...

    Reading what you all wrote showed me I'm doing this, and believing his words that he doesn't think he has a problem making me question myself; yet, as you all shared, he's no where near close to admitting anything. I started to blame myself again, that since I questioned his adderall useage too much, I pushed him completely away...

    I did have hope a light bulb would go off once I left and he read my letter...each text he sent saying how much he missed me, gave me hope he was opening his eyes to his medication and his abuse of it; but he's not putting ANY effort in which says everything. I thought I knew this already (from my past posts) but I'm understanding more and more he has a loooong way to go as you said. The thinking of quitting, the actually doing it, the relapsing, all of it will be years and years...and he's not close to anyone to ask for help through it :( no matter how much I love him, I can't help him. And I know I need to know he loves me, but is incapable of truly giving to Any relationship whether it's me or someone else.

    Thanks for helping me through this and for being so real...I wish we could all meet, you seem like such cool people :) to all the partners out there of someone taking adderall, it really is so tough to understand the depth of what this medication can do. Like dadofthree said, they may not show every sign of abuse, and they may have this side that you fell in love with (times of being present and truly intimate), but continue to read what everyone shares and know the advice from those that finally quit have experienced this first hand.

    Thank you everyone and I know I'll be in this site for a long time reading your stories.

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  5. Thanks flow3. You're a fighter to have realized what was going on with you. It's crazy to me how some of you are so affected by adderall that you're on this site trying to quit, while others (like my ex) seem to not be affected, or don't think their adderall has any role in the way they're life is going...I guess it really does show you some people are wired differently or so taken over by their addiction there is no getting out. It just breaks my heart for all those not getting help. You all continue to inspire me in my own life and I don't even take this medication. This site is powerful.

    Thank you so much :) and I wish you continued success in your journey to move forward :)

  6. Bluemoon and Frank B, thanks for your replies. Truly, thank you. I had a moment of questioning myself and doubting if I've incorrectly 'diagnosed' him when maybe he has no issue with his medication. I think the fact that he's still not admitting that his adderall is affecting him, or maybe he really doesn't think so genuinely, made me second guess myself. I can't seem to wrap my head around it all still. I'm having a hard time accepting that he is ok with taking his meds and not looking deeper into it, making me feel crazy. I don't see how he can be in any serious relationship, but of course, if he does get into a committed relationship, I'll question myself even more about his adderall. I truly hoped I could be by his side and work through this with him. And I honestly wonder if some people can live a long life taking high amounts of adderall and be ok. He hasn't had any health issues yet but who knows. And still has his buddies so hasn't lost any other people except me.

    And yes bluemoon, being a lawyer certainly gives him an added edge of saying the right things and making me question even more. I was embarrassed to post again and seem weak, but I'm glad I did. Many thanks and I'll keep reading and cheering you all on in the meantime. I'm so grateful for this site and community.

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  7. Hi everyone,

    Hope you all had a great thanksgiving. I haven't written in awhile but have been reading all posts still. I don't take adderall, my ex did, but it's been almost two months we've been broken up now. He's texted me a handful of times saying he misses me, thinking about me, etc. I always write back since I still love him. I had written him a letter about my concern of his adderall useage and he finally read it a few weeks backs. He texted saying he read it but didn't necessarily agree with a lot of it. Anyway, a couple days ago I caved and texted him asking to see him. When we hung out, it was great to see him as my heart is with him. He just held me, it was just nice. Of course I brought up us and what he's been thinking. He went on to say he misses me but can't make me happy, that I'm too much, that he needs his freedom (to sleep until whenever, to hang with his buddies last minute if they invite him, to not worry about what I might say or think, to work late, to just live his life). He said he's not happy with himself or where he's at right now and needs to find balance (side note, I told him a year ago that maybe we shouldn't be together so he could find balance in his life but he always says I'm good for him and he doesn't want to loose me). I then asked why he texted me saying he misses me then, he said cause he did. But this messes with my head. I brought up the adderall and he again said he doesn't agree he has a problem. I honestly thought after two months, with him saying he's been depressed, saying he misses me, that he read my letter...I thought he'd finally admit that his medication could be a huge part of what went wrong between us but he didn't say this. He just said he needs to start looking for a new job, get himself right, etc. (I do think he's struggling at work. His boss commented that he's been coming in late, but he seems to think this is due to us breaking up and he's depressed, not adderall). I guess I'm now wanting to hear from you if maybe I've blown his adderall use out of proportion and perhaps it's just me or maybe he's someone who is not affected negatively by long term adderall use. He's been taking for at least 5 years maybe more. Since I've known him he's on 20mg instant release 3 pills a day but takes 4 sometimes. But I also don't really know how many he takes. So at least 60-80 mg a day. Is it possible that he could be right about not having a problem and I'm the reason we didn't work out? I guess it's confusing since he's saying he misses me and loves me but then saying I'm too much and he can't make me happy. Why bother contacting someone in the first place . Is this the adderall making him do this and him wanting my attention? But then he won't commit. He wants to be 'free' or is this just a typical guy acting like a guy who still wants to be single? I know not everyone had negative experiences with adderall but I was convinced after reading this site that it's affecting him. How do you really know??

  8. Frank you had me going for a minute. You never know when you might hit jackpot though ;) by the way, you getting your health back and quitting this drug is like winning the Life jackpot.

    This video is incredible...so moving, made me cry. It needs to go viral. Thank you for sharing, I sent it to my ex who I'm still so worried about with his adderall

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  9. Having time to hang out with friends, or play sports, or go out drinking, (and even taking pills to do these things at all costs), but never having time for you is a common theme I hear from partners of users posting on this site.


    I think it's because all the other things, there is some sort of activity involved, that adderall makes you better at.  It makes you better at drinking, better at golfing, better at hockey, etc.  But it takes away your ability to just be available and be who you are for the other person to enjoy being with.


    There are so many analogies between addiction and abusive relationships.  You are what is good for your boyfriend, and the right choice to make, but adderall is what he chooses anyway, every time.  It's really sad.


    I think you made the right choice for yourself by getting out of that situation.  Sorry for the pain and I hope you find healing.


    Hearing you say it Doge, since you'be been on the other side as well, helps.  Thanks.  In a strange way its comforting to hear others who are partners of someone on adderall have felt the same as me.  And how it's taking away from him the ability to be present with another person.  Thanks for your reply.  Hearing more from each of you makes me feel less crazy each day. Very sad still but not so crazy feeling.    

  10. Thanks for your reply Survived. I did finally leave him about 1-2 weeks ago and wrote him a long letter about my concern and even pasted some stories from this site. He hasn't read it yet but hoping one day he does. We did see each other twice already, which I'm sure isn't helping, as then he gets to be on his own and see me randomly which isn't a real commitment but perfect for him. I know I need to stop seeing him completely for it to sink in. Just so hard since I love him so much. But I think for him to see what the pills are doing I should cut off all contact. So much easier said than done. Thank you again for all your advice.

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  11. Thanks so much Dadofthree.  Ordering the book today.  And it is scary what the future holds with pill addiction nowadays.  It’s really sad but I think bringing awareness, or at least I’d hope, helps to somewhat start the battle against it for future decades. 


    Sounds like the book will bring some strength during those days I miss him and want to contact him.  Thanks again and I’ll  keep coming to the forum as well.  Wishing you and your girls the best too :)

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  12. Hi Dadofthree,


    I felt the same after finding this site….it was like I was reading about my partner exactly.  Like you, I didn’t know anything about Adderall prior to dating him.  I didn’t start investigating more until I noticed odd behaviors on his end….and then the temper and mood swings kicked in, along with the selfishness.  A lot of it I didn’t experience right away, but I guess the more you’re around someone, the more it comes out.


    Hearing you share your dating experience after splitting sheds some light on how much I’ve lost myself.  I realize I’m not my same self because of this relationship and the abuse.  My personality has changed as well but it’s encouraging to hear you’re doing well and back to your old self.  And I couldn’t agree more, a man should not make a woman cry.  To think of all the things he can’t stand about me are simply me loving him…wanting to spend time with him, love him, lay with him, etc.  It’s mind blowing.  You’d think anyone would want love and welcome it.  


    So we did end things this past Sunday and I’m just trying to stay strong and take time for me as all of you suggested.  I did wish him well, wrote him a long letter, and shared how much I love him and how concerned I am.  I also shared with him I would be here if there is a day he decides to wean off his meds or realize how they’ve changed him as a result.  He promised he’d read the letter this week, but I’m not holding my breath, as his word doesn’t hold much to me nowadays.


    I’m really sad and already miss him, but I know I need to do this…especially after reading this site, sharing, and having you all reply.  Thank you for shedding light, insight, and giving me a bit of strength to walk away, I just hope I don’t get weak and go back.  I guess I’ll let the healing process begin and only hope he finds this site…I already sent him the link.  And Frank is right, he isn’t choosing Adderall over me, he is choosing it over everything.  Thanks everyone for your support.       

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  13. You're clearly smart Frank and care enough about yourself to have the awareness that you need to take care of your body/health. I spoke with him today on the phone after the argument. Of course I'm the one that called back to make things better. But I did bring up that I think his Adderall is making him moody, angry, selfish, not healthy for his body, etc and that I'm telling him because I love him and want to help him. He basically said no. He wants to stop one day but not anytime soon. Sigh. There's my answer. You know what makes me sick?? My friend told me today he has friends that go to clinics in our city and can get an Adderall script in 15 minutes. $70 for 60 pills. So then their insurance doesn't know since it's a clinic. I'm shocked at how many people I'm finding out take this drug. How the fuc* does this keep happening without the FDA doing something. Its being handed out like candy! And of course, if it's all over, why would anyone think it's that bad for you and try to stop? No wonder he looks at me as controlling, everyone is taking it.

    Your body is thanking you slowly but surely...keep it up

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  14. Typo, sorry Frank. 20 mg each, 3 pills a day, often times 4. So 60-80 mg day. 36 years old.

    Thanks Doge, definitely need to remove myself. He's just always mad at me. It's almost turning me into a weak person I don't recognize. I'm starting to wonder if I'm the problem at times with what he says about me. I'm sure my neediness and wanting to 'connect' is more than the average but it just hurts the way he talks to me, like verbal abuse. Then I hate the conflict and break down and apologize for whatever and just want to mend things again. The fact that you didn't get into a relationship deserves an applause. At least you recognized you couldn't give to someone if you were binging. I wish you the best of your path to recovery and thank you for sharing.

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  15. Thanks dadofthreefinallyfree. It's hard to feel like hope is a good thing when it keeps me holding onto him, but I do hear what you're saying. Perhaps hope is good when you need it keep going. I guess now I'm hoping that I walk away and leave him for good. That's probably the hope I should be focusing on.

    With your ex and placing healthy limits for yourself and your kids, how long did it take before you reached your limit? I'm two years in to a man I thought I wanted to marry. Despite all the BS I've dealt with, the lies, the lack of respect for me and my time, not prioritizing me, I'm still here after two years. It's embarrassing. I'm starting to blame myself because it's my fault technically for staying around and not leaving. I'm curious how long you dealt with it all before having the courage to leave? And I recall you saying you met another wonderful woman...was it hard to start dating and trust again? I feel so drained from this I'm scared to trust someone else only to be deceived once again.

    He's at 3 pills a day, 60 mg each but often takes more than 3. Plus is damn vape smoking from morning to night. Mind you, he was behind at work, been working the past few weeks late nights to take a Friday off and have a three day weekend with me. I'm here in this getaway alone. He didn't finish his work and couldn't take the day off. The trip has been planned for a month. Yet he could get hair cut, go to the vape shop, play in his softball game and drink beers. All that comes first. And every trip we've ever taken he's late. It's a joke. And somehow I'm the one that he yelled at tonight for expressing my disappointment.

    And Doge, thanks for your advice. I honestly wish he would listen since I've tried telling him before but he gets so defensive about his pills and starts yelling at me for bringing it up. I think if I leave, I don't think he's where you guys on this forum are at, which is being open to looking at himself and the reality of what's going on. He honestly thinks I'm crazy, controlling, and obsessed with his meds. And then tells me I never look at myself which is BS.... I'm in therapy and not in denial of my issues. Were you in a relationship that ended because of Adderall? And after you've stopped did you go back to her? What was it that made you finally be like oh shi* this drug is messing my life up?

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  16. I'm feeling really depressed today and just need to get it out. I'm going out of town this weekend with my boyfriend and have mentally told myself this will be the last weekend together. I've even mentioned it to him, saying we aren't working, all we do is argue, I feel like I cry at least a couple times a week, and told him I really think it's due to his Adderall useage. Of course, he still thinks I'm overreacting about the pills and I don't think he thinks I'm serious about breaking up. He gets kind of sad saying he doesn't want to think about it....Anyway, since this is our last week before the getaway, he made it sound like he wanted to see me as much as possible, that he'd get up early to get to work and get caught up so he could spend time with me. We're supposed to hang out tonight but he's at work and stressed and I questioned him and how much he had left to get done to be 'caught up' since he's been working late nights a lot just to take one damn day off. He was patient at first then started getting irritated with me. I feel so dumb. Here I am feeling like a dog begging to see him tonight, when it feels like he's squeezing me into his busy schedule.

    Do you guys still have hope? I'm scared to break up after this weekend when I feel like there's hope in me. It's almost like I start thinking," oh maybe he isn't addicted and he just takes these pills. Maybe he is really just busy at work and I annoy him wanting to see him more and putting this expectation on him. Maybe he'll realize how great I am and how much I love him and get his priorities straight." He'll be great to me for a day or two, then I get all excited, only to get let down when he breaks his word. He's always saying things like we'll get to spend these nights together or do this together, then I plan on it...only to have him cancel because something came up or he is too behind at work. I'm always holding onto this hope and his words. Is he doing this on purpose or is it the Adderall?! I hate that I feel so sad all the time. I thought he'd make an effort this week knowing it's our last times together. Thanks for reading had to get it out as dumb as it all sounds...

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  17. Thank you Dadof3finallyfree.  Great advice….from EVERYONE.  It does suck for the person not on Adderall loving the person on it.  I never thought of it that way.  You sound like a wonderful father who’s been through a lot.  I hope your wife will eventually make the decision to quit. And I’d absolutely stay with him if he ever decided to quit.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling this may not happen anytime soon.   


    Hearing more from all of you has helped me to fully know what I need to do.  As you all said, I can’t make him stop, but I will make sure he knows why I’m leaving and my concern.


    Oswhid, you hardly sound awkward writing or expressing yourself and I welcome the advice, thank you so much for sharing.  (Plus I like weird and awkward so own it  :)  ).  18 years is a long time and it sounds like you and your husband are fighting to get back to where things used to be.  I know firsthand how anxiety feels and that constant walking on egg shells feeling.  It’s not fun and makes you almost feel crazy.  I hope you make time for yourself, to give to YOU, so you can continue to be the glue for your family.  And as much as you’re financially dependent on him, know that he depends on you emotionally and you take care of him and the kids.  It sounds like you have a ton of love for your family and there is no price or salary that could ever replace that.  Thanks for chiming in, I’m glad you decided to reply and appreciate your opinion, as again, it’s cemented in  my mind what I know to be true.


    Maisy14* ….My gosh, I’m going to do this, still getting the courage to walk away finally, but will do it.  You painted the 2 scenarios perfectly and I have been continuing to play out scenario #1 for far too long now.  I can see that I’ve lost myself and his respect for me, only enabling his behaviors as you said.  Reading your words made it a reality for me.  Thanks for the extra push and putting things into perspective.  And congrats on 1 week down, keep it going!

    I was reading about gaslight, had not heard about it until oswhid mentioned it.  Omg, I had no clue there was a definition for it.  He has been gaslighting me the entire relationship and I’m shocked at how I fell for it completely. Wow. It’s chipped away at my self-worth. 

    Sorry for the lengthy response, but I want you to each know how grateful I am you replied.  I was nervous to post but this forum is amazing and a saving grace.  I feel so much support and love from you and for each of you.  I look forward to continuing to read your stories and journey to quit. 


    PS obviously my user name says it all…but yoga has helped me with so much in life (depression and anxiety).  I highly recommend it as a form of therapy in quitting as well.  Happy to help answer any questions related as well :)

  18. Thanks Bluemoon. I think this is what I needed to hear...from you and Frank. That what I'm experiencing is Adderall abuse and addiction.

    I thought the same thing, how can a Dr. be ok with a patient taking more than the prescribed amount? He made it sound so believable, I was questioning myself and rationale. Hearing you both say it's abuse and addiction validates what I've been thinking the entire time.

    Definitely not harsh. You're both real and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Sometimes we want to believe someone's words even though we feel something is off. This was me. And hearing you both say the obvious, it's not going to stop anytime soon, and will be a long dark road if it even does, is something I also needed to hear.

    Thank you again for your replies and support. I can't imagine how tough it is being in your shoes but I can tell you...it's inspiring to hear your stories and how hard you're fighting to stay away from this drug. Keep fighting and keep sharing. Bringing awareness to everyone is the key to one day ending the abuse that so often comes with this drug.

    Wishing you the best. Btw, I love this quote...'you don't know strength until strength is the only choice you have left.' You are all full of strength...keep choosing it.

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  19. Thanks for the reply Frank. I guess I wanted to hear if you all thought his behaviors were the result of long term use. It seems like the side effects are; however, I didn't know him off Adderall. I fell in love with him before knowing how much he relied on these pills. I was naive and now understand what this drug can do after reading this forum. Honestly, it makes me want to help him desperately since I love him so much. But he only looks at me controlling, nagging, overly emotional, clingy...and it breaks my heart to leave him since I don't think he'll ever see what the drug is doing and maybe another girl won't even notice. You're right though, counting pills isn't right and he'll never stop unless he decides to. If it helps any of you, I feel addicted to an addict. It's so hard to leave him, but the lows are so low and the highs give me his love. I'm scared I'll walk away and then go back to relapse and contact him.

    And btw Frank, I think it's awesome how active you are on here. I always read what you post.

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