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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by Jan34

  1. I experienced awful hand tremors a few years ago when I would take Adderall and if I were in front people, it would cause a ton of anxiety and I would shake even more.  I would be so nervous that my hands would start shaking and that everyone would notice that I would avoid going to lunch with coworkers so that I wouldn't have to reach for my food.  The tremors caused so much anxiety that even after weeks off of Adderall, I my hands would shake unexpectedly and my nerves would make it even worse.  I talked to my doctor (did not know I was off and on Adderall) and he prescribed me a beta blocker called Propanolol.  He suggested I take it as needed when I had a meeting, interview, or any other situation that make make me anxious and cause tremors which I did. After using it as needed for about two months, the tremors went away completely.  I was able to reassure myself that the tremors were more mental than physical and I could control them on my own.  Not sure if that helps but I feel your pain :)

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  2. One of many things I hate about it is not being able to explain your behavior to people who don't know you're on it.  If I take it and act like a complete lunatic or say things that I never normally would, I just have to let people think I'm a tad crazy.  Abusing it for years also wreaks havoc on your life and I always think about where I would be if I had never taken it.  I definitely took a detour through life and would love to be married with kids and have a fulfilling career but spending ten years addicted to adderall kind of got in the way.  I wish people in my life knew what I was going through so that they could understand why I've been stuck for so long.  

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  3. Thank you so much!  It's so encouraging to hear that you know exactly how I feel.  I took the last of what I had yesterday and I promised myself not to call my doctor for a refill this week and then go from there hopefully feeling stronger. Thanks again :)

    2 hours ago, bluemoon said:

    I have so been there. I know exactly how you feel. The good part is that you sound like you are ready to quit! You can do this. It won't be easy, but you can do this! :)


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