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Posts posted by soberica_18

  1. Hey! I live in Capitol Hill, and I'm looking for a local support network here in Seattle. I'm about three months deep into quitting, so I'm over the really tough hump, but I'm bracing for future cravings and could really use some friends going through the same thing as me.


    Message me if you want to meet up sometime!

    Erica America

  2. 3 hours ago, Catherine1 said:

    How long did it take before the mental fog went away? 

    @Catherine1, I'm almost to month four, and I can't say the mental fog has completely cleared, but I can say the AMOUNT of fog has drastically decreased. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's actually "fog" or if it's just the fact that I was on this drug for 11 years, and I just straight up have no idea who the heck I am now (which is actually a little scarier to me). I'd expect to feel more mental clarity in about 2-4 weeks, once the amphetamine is actually out of your body. Try to remember that just like a healthy diet+exercise routine takes some time to truly see results, quitting something like this that is so mentally and physically addictive will just take patience with yourself and time. But if you do it the right way, just like a proper diet, the results/new, healthy way of living can last a lifetime.

    I'd suggest looking in to some vitamin supplements that improve brain functionality and focus. If you take this little quiz thing here, they'll suggest some good supplements, but you can just buy them on Amazon or at the grocery store vs. buying from that site once you get their recommendations. And taking melatonin at night really helped me get back to a normally sleeping human. The sleep will help clear the fog, too, because the brain does a lot of replenishing when you sleep. I always felt like I was kind of "beating the system" when I could be up for days on end, but the harsh reality is that I was paying a physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental toll for that surface-level, "super human" (eye roll) strength. Nothing comes without a cost. 

    But no matter how hard it gets, try to take a moment to feel proud that you are making this life-changing decision NOW, not later. That's such a huge step dude. And everyone in this forum knows how hard even getting to this point can be. Maybe you could try writing a gratitude list of things you're thankful of either throughout the day or at the end of the day to remind you of the beautiful things you're finally seeing again -- even through the fog. Sending love!

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  3. Hey, guys! 

    I was prescribed adderall when I was 15, and I've been taking it until about three months/90 days ago. I'm 26 now. While there's no specific "anonymous" 12-step group for solely adderall, I've found AMAZING hope and a program that really works by going to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups, getting a sponsor, and going through the steps. If anyone wants to know any more about some of the MANY things I've put in place to ensure I keep going down this life path adderall-free forever, please let me know. I'd be happy to share advice/tips for anyone that is curious. 

    Sending love and empathy out to all of you who are trying to quit adderall. I don't think people who haven't taken it consistently for a while can truly understand how lost one can feel after building an entirely seperate life as a person you don't recognize (a person on adderall). I'm dealing with a job I don't enjoy now that I'm not on adderall, and I'm slowly but surely learning to rediscover my passion. I by no means have all of the answers, and the tips I have are far from perfect, but I know that at the end of my life, I'm not going to regret the decision to stop working my life away on things that didn't truly matter. Love and happiness and going with the flow are all rewards that I've seen (even in just three months), and I can't go back to my old ways -- even if it means underperforming at work for a bit. Haha.

    With Love,


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