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Julia Guillen

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Posts posted by Julia Guillen

  1. On 12/11/2019 at 9:31 PM, DelaneyJuliette said:

    OMG i am SO overwhelmed.  Today is Day 3 and I just want to cry.  I am starting to see just how insanely unrealistic my expectations of myself are off Adderall, but I still don't really know what to do about it.  I own my own business, work full time and am a mom of 4.  I know I need to cut myself some slack but my anxiety is through the roof.  I keep reminding myself that I am not superwoman (everyone calls me that, lol, and I've always had a crazy amount of energy even off Adderall.)  3 days off everything fully (and weeks/months of trying to taper only to unsuccessfully binge again) I finally am willing to see how Adderall has actually made things harder for me even though it has FELT like it made things easier.  I only know 2 modes on Adderall - 150% full force, or off.  That is not realistic.  It is what keeps me trapped.  When amped up, I over-commit, then when down, I feel the need to just turn everything off and sleep.  What self-care?  This has to stop and it is.  BUT, little things overwhelm me SO MUCH and without the Adderall to move past the feelings quickly, I get stuck in my OCDish traits.  For example, I can't even figure out how to best follow this forum!  (i know there is no "best" but it overwhelms me.)  Do I start a new post each time I want to say something?  Do I randomly post on other people's things I've been reading?  Do I keep posting on this forum so that I can keep track of the conversation?  Wow, I sound like I am on Adderall right now trying to "get it all right" but really this is just anxiety and I also know that it doesn't matter at all.  There is just so much to do and not enough time!  UGH!  Okay, breathe.  I can do this.  One thing at a time.  Breathe.  There is no way I can possibly do all the things I feel like I need to do today, and that is okay.  I will be cleaning up "adderall messes" for awhile and that's okay.  (Meaning, things I started and couldn't finish; things I bought and never took back, etc.)  It's okay, breathe.  Thanks everyone just for being here.  It helps SO MUCH to know that I'm not alone.  

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