Thanks guys for the considerate and thoughtful replies...I have a history of pill addiction in my past and have recovered before with a twelve step program. The key to recovery is a loving connection with self through God as we understand him. When I hear of the long term recovery and consequences of Adderall, I know that the key to moving forward Is to shut the shame down, name it so I can tame it and understand that I am a loving child of God. I won’t beat myself up and I know what a loving empathic person I am. I’m also the most sassy and resilient woman you will ever meet and being honest to myself and others is key. The problem with any addictive substance is the shame and secrecy’s and the lack of self love and compassion. Through the years I have learned that if you don’t have compassion for yourself then you won’t have it with others. I am human, I have insecurities but I am always learning and remain humble and teachable. Addiction will not survive in environments with connection, support and self love. I also will not deny that ADD is real and I was a child that battled with it and still suffer from this disorder in the work place and personal life. From lack of confidence in my abilities and perfectionism (beating myself up). The meds worked at first and then I realized they were controlling me. Who wants a monkey on their back continuously ugh...
Again thanks for the replies...I need the support right now
Bell xo