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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by KatieG

  1. Hi everyone,

    I happened upon this website when I suddenly discovered that my doctor was going to be away for a few weeks and I couldn't get a prescription for my Adderall (20 mg regular release). It was a Thursday, I had two pills left, and I couldn't see another doctor until Tuesday. I took half a pill for the next 4 days, and was amazed that I was doing ok. I got a new prescription, but it's been 6 weeks and 2 days since I took a pill. I've mostly been doing ok (even ran a half marathon a week and a half ago!), but I definitely have more trouble thinking straight. For the past two days, however, I've been really depressed. I don't know if it's just because my 23 month old is away visiting his grandparents for the first time so I'm spending a few days without him, if it's the Adderall, or what. It's been bad enough for me to consider going back on it. I really don't want to start taking it again if I don't really need it, but I know it really does help me so I'm not sure if I should stay off of it. I could use some advice and encouragement at the moment. For those of you who have gone off of it, did you get really depressed a few weeks out? Did it get better?

    Thanks in advance,


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