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Posts posted by korosei53

  1. I was wondering do any of you have restlessleg syndrom associated with taking adderall? Ive been dealing with this issue since i started and it comes and goes now that im off the medication, but was prevalent all throughout my 2 years on adderall

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing. That's gotta be hard having a gf with ADHD. You made it 23 days though! Whooo hooo!!!

    Glad to have you here. :) Keep posting and updating us with your status. I love all you newbies! You keep it so fresh for me. So again, thank you for sharing and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.


    Yea it can be a handful at times with the gf and I :)...Today is looking better! trying to get a grasp on getting off the meds and trying to keep a positive out look. Thanks for the support and ill make sure to update often to share my story with everyone and hopefully it can help others out too



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  3. “Today son your life is going to change dramatically….†This was the lies told to me by my psych as I was diagnosed with late onset “Adult ADDâ€. Who would have known the chaos that would come after I started the medication. I still remember the first day taking the medication and how everything seemed so much brighter with an overwhelming sense of motivation to get my life back in tack. This feeling of accomplishment and dedication made me strive for so much, but then I’ve come to realize it only helped me get though the day. After a few months I was a complete different person. I was always in a state of constant anxiety and all I needed to do to reduce that was to get that grade. My grades did improve, but at what cost……I really didn’t know till now

    Life has changed…

    I am a recent graduate with a B.S in bio…..I thought this was it and my life was going to kick off finally….Life has definitely changed…not!

    It wasn’t till a couple weeks after getting out of college that the constant boredom started to mess with my head. The addy plus the constant boredom = the “monster†inside me. I was my worst enemy and I saw myself deteriorating bit by bit every day. This was when I knew that I had to get off the meds and start a new life and break away from its grasp. Little did I know I was addicted ….

    I never thought that I had a problem with the meds, but I was just naïve and I should have known better. I’ve have friends who can’t seem to function without the meds and now that I got off the addy…I can see and feel the destruction that it has over one’s life. I am 23 days into this vicious cycle and it seems like I am losing all my marbles! For the 1st few weeks I was in a constant fog and my sleep cycle was off and on. There were days where I slept like a baby and days where I couldn’t sleep at all. No one understands my issue or seems to care. I have a gf with adhd and even see hasn’t experienced the difficulties that I’m going though now.

    I am excited to find such a community of people like you who have felt the despair I’m feeling now. This has given me hope that I am not alone in this battle.

    Keep up the fight


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