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Angry husband

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Posts posted by Angry husband

  1. Very sorry to hear your situation. I'm curious how this turned out for you. I have lost the man I love and he is still telling me Adderall isn't the problem, i am. We've been together 13 years. I miss him so much. We've been separated now for a month. Any hope?

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  2. Hello everyone, My husband who I have been with 13 years is lost to Adderall. I've went through so many thoughts that maybe he just doesn't want this life anymore and I'm in denial of it. Makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. He was the kindest human being on earth .. empathy was his middle name. I even had an affair that we were able to manage to stay together through. He's been taking Adderall for two years and I feel there were immediate changes. But in the last couple months those became the everyday consistent life. He is angry all the time. He has no feeling for me when I cry. He's been gone for a month now and rarely asks about our daughter. I have to beg him to have contact with her. I did ask him to leave and will not have him back here due to the Adderall use and rages. I feel like other people can't see this. They don't understand how much he has changed. No one believes that Adderall can make him act that way. The grandiosity is overwhelming. He works 4 nights a week as a nurse and then is currently in grad school. But as this wasn't enough. He started a construction business? That's when things went very south. I came out of work to try and focus here and work on things. And because I started pressuring him. I believe this led to the seperation. His family doesn't believe me. I guess they think he just wants a different life now. This is the hardest thing ive ever gone through. And I'm so sad to hear so many other going through this as well. My thoughts are with all of you. I really wish this drug was better regulated   .

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