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Got2babetterway last won the day on April 14 2022

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  1. My hypothyroid was diagnosed in November, I was still on my adderall then. I quit my adderall the end of March. Sorry I stated it confusingly. 5 months after my hypothyroid diagnosis is when I quit adderall though. Yes I've actually had full blown thyroid blood draws 4 times now along with other vitamin/mineral levels.
  2. I have decided to quit the adderall! It's been a solid 2 weeks and honestly I'm feeling "fine". But after 2+ years, I began to get very depressed, no motivation, oversleeping, dragging everywhere, can't force myself out of the house, so forth. I tried treating it for depression with meds by my MD and it wasn't depression. This started 1 year ago. In November I was diagnosed hypothyroid and started thyroid meds, doing a bit better but still depressed and no motivation. Something deep inside me says it's the adderall. Will I ever get my zest for life back? My old pep in my step? I'm working on also healthy sleep, vitamins/minerals, and forcing myself to get stuff done. I'm hopeful making it routine again will encourage the return. I just can't take the depressed, unmotivated, no energy/life drained zombie anymore. How long did it take others to regain their old self? I took 40mg XR basically 3 or 4 days a week for the past 6ish months. Before that it was daily use. I don't feel any withdrawal issues, sometimes I crave the "calm" and less anxiety adderall gave me, but it's not worth this depressed unmotivated state. Also, is there any link to adderall and hypothyroid? I've searched but can't find much.
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