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Posts posted by moreadventurous

  1. Hey guys!

    First of all, THANK SOME HIGHER BEING that I found this site. I've been trying to talk to the people around me about this process and they just don't get it, they just can't.

    Here's my background with this crazy beast, adderall:

    I'm currently 21 years old, I began experimenting with adderall when I was 16. I had a friend in my art class who would sell it to me, and I began buying it from him about weekly or bi-weekly. It was dumb, I had no reason to feel that my workload in HIGH SCHOOL was worth taking stimulants. I think I liked it because, at the time, I was obsessed with being thin. It certainly suppressed my appetite, and for years to come.

    Soon after this, I began dating someone who was prescribed TWO 30 MG XRS A DAY! Nobody needs that much adderall, so of course, he was doling them out to me almost daily. I felt great, beyond ecstatic, and I was experiencing "first love." My associations with adderall were nothing but positive at this point, I felt happy in this world for once. I had previously been hospitalized for months for an eating disorder, and have had a history of depression and anxiety since childhood. With adderall and my new love, anything and everything was possible. This went on for about 2 years. During this time, my mom and sister were both prescribed stimulants. My sister took Concerta, and my mom took adderall 20 mg xr. I stole pills from them frequently when my boyfriend wouldn't give them to me. I was taking them daily without a prescription.

    The next relationship I was in, my significant other also took 30 mg xrs. Though she was not prescribed 2 a day, I often was given them from her and would sometimes even steal. I knew what I was doing was wrong, adderall made me not care at all. I felt bad about myself myself lying and stealing, but the drug was so powerful and made me feel so invincible, I couldn't seem to care enough to stop.

    Things began crumbling in my life, for one reason or another. I was cut off financially from my parents at age 19 and kicked out of school, and didn't know what to do. I started depending more on my relationship, and drugs. In addition to taking mass amounts of adderall, I began smoking weed multiple times daily and drinking daily. This pattern still continues years later.

    Eventually, I was able to talk myself and my doctor into the lie that I needed a prescription. I began taking 20 mg xrs for a few months. Things were ok, but I stopped feeling anything at all and began taking 2 of the pills a day, so I would need to steal more from the people I loved and who really needed the drug.

    I eventually upped my prescription to two 20 mg instant release pills a day. I think this is where all hell broke loose. The instant release began making me feel intense anxiety and paranoia, but at the same time I felt boundless energy. I was nannying when I began this prescription, and although I felt anxiety building, it wasn't enough for me to see a serious problem.

    I went back to school a couple months ago, and began taking up to 60 mg of instant release adderall a day. I am 5'3" and 110 pounds, I realized this was too much for my body to handle, but again, I didn't really acknowledge the problem because I didn't want to. I could go to school and still have the energy to party every night, running on 3-4 hours of sleep a night.

    I had a stress break, and I began feeling so much anxiety that I forgot how to do ANYTHING normal. I have never felt social anxiety in my life, and all of a sudden I had the most crippling form of it I have ever heard of. Going anywhere in public became too terrifying. Standing in line at the store was a panic attack and a half, driving was so awkward I avoided it (being at stoplights, feeling like everyone was looking at me/judging me), walking down the street feeling the weight of each footstep and having to consciously direct my body so heavily. I began compulsively cutting my once long and beautiful hair. It's now completely gone. I also began to pick at my scabs so much that I have scars all over my arms and legs.

    Its been almost 2 weeks since I stopped, the physical symptoms are awful and I am still an anxious mess. However, now i know I am in control and not some drug. I am also attempting to drink less and smoke less, I'm really trying to start over. The anxiety reached a point where I have retreated to my parents house to cry for days, this is not something I do. I'm very tough and self-reliant. I feel like a cry baby and absolutely everything is making me panic. My thoughts are running about a million miles an hour and I'm restless as hell. Some moments are better than others, but for the most part I've been going crazy in my head.

    I'm seeing a psychiatrist weekly and reading some self-help books. I'm trying to meditate but my thoughts are very out of control, making it near impossible. I know I have to push through them.

    I'm wondering if anybody has the same physical symptoms as me from withdrawal or if they are more anxiety related:

    sweaty palms, constant pounding heart, a feeling in my stomach that my internal organs are "shivering", night terrors/talking incessantly in my sleep.

    Thanks for reading my probably incoherent story, and I really am hoping that people read this and get help before it's too late.

    Any advice is much appreciated. My love and support is with you all, your stories have helped and will continue to help through this hellish struggle.

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