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Status Updates posted by Greg

  1. 2 years and 1 month since I quit and am living so much better off adderall..

  2. By quitting adderall, I am no longer inspired and passionate in a nutty and lunatic way.

  3. Dang it. Caffeine and energy drinks no longer keep me awake in lecture!!

  4. Doin' the Harlem Shake

  5. Feel the fear and do it anyway...That's my motto on doing things I used to rely heavily on adderall to do...which was pretty much everything

    1. Freedom's Wings

      Freedom's Wings

      yes. some of these post I am commenting on just to not forget where they are located. They are just so spot on it's creepy.

  6. feeling sleep deprived

  7. Final GPA 3.5!!!!!!!!! Who needs fucking adderall????

  8. Finished up my last term paper...two more final exams to go...

  9. Finished with finals!!!

  10. For me, the mental withdrawal is like a perpetual state of being 'so damn busy being off of adderall.'...

  11. Got my first grade back...wow an A in accounting. I am pleased that my mind is still sharp post adderall!

  12. Got my second grade back..a B in marketing...and more grades are pouring in...yikes.

  13. got off work..preparing to take a quiz

  14. Got through my first work experience post quitting adderall, an internship..and got great recommendations, my judgement and energy levels were so much better. Less preoccupied with myself, more preoccupied with the job.

  15. had a great meeting in the quittingadderall chat room tonight. i think there were 8 of us.

  16. Handed in an 8-page paper and off to class...

  17. hang in there... it gets better...

  18. Having a PAWS day...and I think a toothache :(

  19. I am currently buried under books with the Simpsons on in the background..help

  20. I feel like adderall gave me agoraphobia - the fear of everything. Because without adderall I was afraid of doing everything....At first I only needed it to study in college. Then suddenly, I needed it to get more absorbed in the movies I watched and the books I read. Before long, I needed it to do everything... hang out with friends, you name it.. At some point, i started needing that feeling, that burst of dopamine in my brain to exist...

    1. Freedom's Wings

      Freedom's Wings

      I know this sooooo well.

    2. Greg


      Yeah, adderall takes away our self efficacy, our belief in our ability to control oir circumstances. When we quit, that rebuilding begins.

  21. I hated lying and deceving doctors all the time. I felt like a con artist, always duping doctors into writing me prescriptions. Always worrying about getting my pills filled.

  22. I have just discovered how yummy and convenient microwavable macaroni and cheese is.

  23. I hear loud fireworks outside my window!

  24. I just woke up from a nap. wrote 7 and half page paper late into the night then woke up for work at 7am for job, followed by classes in afternoon. I have so much work to do but i think im going back to zzzzz. When i woke up from nap today I felt like i was in some combination of on adderall and withdrawing from adderall..it was really weird. it is my brains reaction to an abrupt change in lifestyle.

  25. I know I'm getting a lot stronger within though...on adderall, it felt like my life was hanging by a thread, lying on a foundation about to crumble. Everything revolved around the pill. If at anytime I got busted for getting multiple prescriptions for the same pills, and my supply was cut short, my life would just fall apart. At the end, I was just taking the pills to prevent an onset of fatigue that would come with withdrawal. How pointless. it now seems.

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