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Status Updates posted by Greg

  1. I WILL get my stats take home exam done tomorrow..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Greg


      99.9% done. Just need to check it over one last time!

    3. Greg


      I did it...woo hooo. its done. done. done.

    4. Greg


      Well everyone was talking about the exam after we handed it in, and i think bombed it. I definitely missed some major concepts that everyone else got..

  2. recovering from a week of PAWS...got my exam back yesterday and I did maybe slightly above average so that gives me confidence that my brain works fine without adderall

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Greg


      Thanks Lil Tex!! Lately, Ive been getting slammed by PAWS. Yesterday I wrote a paper and then did a quiz and then some homework problems and by the end of the day I was experience adderall cravings that were as intense as when I just quit. Which is really mind boggling to me. I can take in stride though. But it just boggles my mind why this would happen. I think writing papers may be triggering something here.

    3. LILTEX41


      I can imagine! But how awesome is it that you did so freaking awesome on your own??? Just goes to show you that are smart and capable without adderall. :) How much longer do you have in school? Another positive thing to think about is that the longer you keep kicking ass without adderall...you'll be building more and more neural pathways that will associate writing papers drug free and then someday all cravings will be gone totally. You'll just feel like one bad mofo all on y...

    4. Greg


      Thanks lil tex for your encouragement. I have to remind myself that, you are so right about new connections being formed and new confidence being developed!!

  3. Now that I quit, I feel like I have a totally different brain, like a lobotomy or something. I know that sounds extreme. But I feel like such a different person. Most notably, I am not an anxious, panicky person anymore. A complete 180. Now that I'm calmer, I realize how anxious the pills were making me...

    1. danthesurfinman


      I'm trying to read the whole post but can't get the whole thing. So far, your previous posts are amazing, really inspirational.

    2. Greg


      thanks for the kind feedback! I didn't realize until later that my posts were getting cut off midway, that there was a limited number of characters allowed per status update (i dont think its possible to read the rest)...so from now on, ill keep my status updates within the allowed length per post...

    3. Greg


      thanks for the kind feedback! I didn't realize until later that my posts were getting cut off midway, that there was a limited number of characters allowed per status update (i dont think its possible to read the rest)...so from now on, ill keep my status updates within the allowed length per post...

  4. I feel like adderall gave me agoraphobia - the fear of everything. Because without adderall I was afraid of doing everything....At first I only needed it to study in college. Then suddenly, I needed it to get more absorbed in the movies I watched and the books I read. Before long, I needed it to do everything... hang out with friends, you name it.. At some point, i started needing that feeling, that burst of dopamine in my brain to exist...

    1. Freedom's Wings

      Freedom's Wings

      I know this sooooo well.

    2. Greg


      Yeah, adderall takes away our self efficacy, our belief in our ability to control oir circumstances. When we quit, that rebuilding begins.

  5. Just ran 1.7 miles!! Who knew? I CAN run without adderall!!!

    1. LILTEX41


      Great job! I ran 3.3 today. :) Are you gonna try and do it again tomorrow?

    2. Greg


      Thanks lil tex! Since your comment I've ran a couple times..worked my way up to 2.27 miles yesterday..

  6. Feel the fear and do it anyway...That's my motto on doing things I used to rely heavily on adderall to do...which was pretty much everything

    1. Freedom's Wings

      Freedom's Wings

      yes. some of these post I am commenting on just to not forget where they are located. They are just so spot on it's creepy.

  7. I survived the day, but now I am in PAWS...

    1. Greg


      time to relax and do nothing until tomorrow

  8. My statistics professor likes to make us miserable.

  9. it's good to be adderall free...!

  10. I hated lying and deceving doctors all the time. I felt like a con artist, always duping doctors into writing me prescriptions. Always worrying about getting my pills filled.

  11. For me, the mental withdrawal is like a perpetual state of being 'so damn busy being off of adderall.'...

  12. It's been 14 months of being sober, and I just hit a super rough batch of cravings. I hate the much longer mental withdrawal from adderall that comes after the shorter physical withdrawal...

  13. Sometimes I feel really good, like really, really, really good...then all of a sudden it's like I'm in withdrawal hell...It seems like I'm coming up for air from this past week - a truly rough week

  14. I still can't believe how much of a crutch adderall was for me...it's unbelievable how helpless I was all the time without it

  15. I know I'm getting a lot stronger within though...on adderall, it felt like my life was hanging by a thread, lying on a foundation about to crumble. Everything revolved around the pill. If at anytime I got busted for getting multiple prescriptions for the same pills, and my supply was cut short, my life would just fall apart. At the end, I was just taking the pills to prevent an onset of fatigue that would come with withdrawal. How pointless. it now seems.

  16. I remember i being attacked by spurts of panic throughout they day as the adderall wore off..then reaching for my pill bottle to calm myself...what a nightmare living everyday like that. Then panicing when I ran out WAY too early..Creatively pondering ways to get more early

  17. I reached for adderall to relieve myself from withdrawal anxiety...but taking more and more adderall only made me more anxious and panicky...it happened all day long in a vicious cycle until I had so much adderall in my system I went into toxic adderall psychosis and becoming delusional...and yet I never blamed the drug for my lifestyle. I blamed everything else. But never adderall. What a life for an addict.

  18. I used to change the dates on my adderall prescriptions so I could get my pills one week or two weeks early...I remember a couple pharmacies figured it out and turned me away. One pharmacy found out what I was doing and called my doctor, then tore up my prescription and told me never to come back. One nurse practioner accused me of abusing my prescription because I was so desperate for my refill. I became so good at lying to everyine. Several of my prescribing doctors caught on to what I was ...

  19. One doctor accused me of making up stories to get pills. Another asked me what the heck I was doing with all my pills? I was always juggling doctors trying to make sure they didn't talk to each other or know about each other. One doctor found out and called an ambulance directly to the office during my scheduled appointment, hauling me off to the hospital under observation. These doctors always found out what I was doing in the end. Then I would begin my search again. Plotting ways to get...

  20. I remember my mom used to try to control my pill intake, and she would hide the pills and give me only what I needed for that day. But when she wasn't there, I'd rip apart the house looking for the pills. By the end, I was so addicted, my mind was such a mess, I couldn't even keep track of where I put my pill bottle. I remember my last day on adderall, I was lying on the floor screaming and crying. i just layed there on the floor for hours and hours. I couldn't find my pills. ...

  21. I was such a complete mess. The pills had destroyed me. By the end, I was so addicted. Didn't know what to do. Just didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted the world to end. I just layed on the floor and cried off and on for two days straight without moving from my spot on the floor. I was so unhappy about this existence. And I couldn't find my pills.. But I didn't have the energy to move to even look for them. This is when I reached m...

  22. hang in there... it gets better...

  23. It gets SO much better. The first time O quit, I didn't have faith it would get better. So I relapsed. If I just hung in there longer, I wouldve seen what everybody was telling me was true- it gets better.

  24. It gets SO much better. The first time O quit, I didn't have faith it would get better. So I relapsed. If I just hung in there longer, I wouldve seen what everybody was telling me was true- it gets better.

  25. Me too. I'm mad I ever got started. My doctor swore it was the safest medication on the planet. He boasted about taking it himself and using it to fix his dvd player or whatever...

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