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Posts posted by want2bmeagain

  1. I really hate the backspace button sometimes. Fuck did I have a lot written. Sadly I can barely give a half-assed reply because I'm on a strict sleeping regimen I set for myself, but 


    I'm glad you posted this. I truly am.


    You need to be safe here. 


    You will go through withdrawal. Everyone's withdrawal is different. Some worse and some better than others. From my personal experience at that stage of taking xanax/kpins, I had at most gone 3 days without it and received seizure like symptoms however never experienced a full out seizure. Siezures can can cause serious problems and can be fatal. 


    Good-news is with that dosage you probably won't recieve a seizure but like I said before everyone is different. As a safe measure, I would honestly consult your doctor before discontinuing use. You want to quit, but you need to do it safely. I used depakote for 25 days after when discontinuing use (was taking 4-6mgs). Depakote will prevent seizure symptoms http://www.drugs.com/depakote.html


    Hopefully tomorrow I will get the time to write more.


    Good luck my friend. 

    • Like 1
  2. Good luck man you can do it! It's going to be incredibly hard at first, but after the first week every day gets better. Remember to take it one day at a time and not to stress yourself too much. You're going to feel weak, brainless, and overall just like shit at first. But I promise you it gets better. I'm currently in my 31st day off adderall and am starting to feel like myself again, the person that I used to be. I have a very similar story to yours so can greatly relate. All I can say is things will come back to you. You will be yourself again one day. It's going to take a while, but you have to stay strong, and be patient. I'm still not myself yet after 31 days but I'm getting there. Everyday without adderall is a good day! And a step to getting back to me! Remember, one day at a time! You'll get there!

  3. quit-once,

    In my recovery program they had us write an autobiography about our life including what lead to our addiction and all about our addiction, and then we received feedback, comments, and questions from our group and the therapists. It was definitely nice sharing and venting my story to others, and discussing it after. Feel like its great step to take in the recovery process. Sharing something that you've never shared with anyone, and something you have greatly wished to share, feels absolutely wonderful. So I strongly suggest writing up your own story and sharing it with others.

    Also, how are you feeling after four months clean? Are you starting to feel like yourself again? What's different now compared to around your 30th day clean? Just curious.



  4. Hey guys, just want to say this forum has been very inspiring and a lot of help. I'm currently in my 17th day of recovery after abusing adderall for about two years. For the last two weeks I've been in an outpatient program that is greatly helping my recovering. I'm starting to get glimpses of who I am/or was, and everyday has been better than the last. I know I have a long way to go as I'm no where near the person I was before but with all the success stories from members of this site its comforting to know that in time I can and WILL be back to my old awesome self. Right now I'm still somewhat depressed, but much less than the first few days I was coming off adderall. I also still feel kinda stupid and very foggy but like I said before, everyday I'm getting better and everyday I feel clearer and clearer. I hate the fact however that my personality is still pretty much shit. It's hard for me to intellectually converse with one another as thoughts don't come to me as naturally anymore. I feel like a drone, a zombie. But again, as the days pass I'm feeling less zombiesh. I have a ton of social anxiety right now. I get real nervous talking with others because I'm afraid I won't know how to respond to them in certain conversations, and often I don't. It's been tough to finish thoughts because I can't remember my original point or can't think of how to word what I want to say correctly. I also have a tough time following what other people are saying for the matter that I'll forget what they said originally and then during mid convo ill try and remember and miss the rest of what they're saying. But again, this is getting easier everyday and I know one day I'll get to where I used to be. That's all I want, is to be myself again. Slowly its coming back, but it feels like its coming too slow. I have to patient though, because someday I'll be back to my good old awesome self who's not slow and stupid, who's funny again, and just has a good personality. It's going to take a while but I'll get there. Its refreshing to see you guys having recovered. It's just more motivation for me to stay clean and not relapse.

    Thanks guys

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