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Posts posted by alaska98

  1. I'm not sure. I don't think the benefits necessarily outweigh the risks. I feel like if my main problem is rage and impulse control I may be better on something like Tenex or even epitol. And at the same time, I'm not even sure that "chemical imbalance" is is me. Damage in the limbic system can cause my symptoms, too. Damage from what? I don't know, but in the 70's my dad had a brain scan done and they found lesions. My mom can't remember anything about it like in what part, nor did they follow up, but I'm concerned that's my real issue.

  2. I've been trying to find info on withdrawal or rebound effects or whatever and am having a hard time. I've been on adderall for almost 3 months now. At this point I still think it's doing wonders for me. One of my main symptoms was impulse control (rage and skin picking). For the first time in my whole life my fingers aren't bloody and I'm not screaming at the slightest provocation. However, I'm terrified of the side effects. It's a battle every morning to take the pill; today could be the day I stroke out. 2 weeks ago I decided to go off. The first day was fine. Days 2 and 3 I was in a constant rage, worse than normal. I'm not talking irritability either, full blown rage. Like I said I can't find anything about rage from coming off. I'm on vacation this week so thought about stopping again. But because I'm on vacation this week, I have no baby sitter and my kid drives me freaking nuts when I'm medicated. She can't shut up and, and it makes my head want to explode. If coming off makes me so angry again, I don't want her to be around for me being pissed off at everything especially if she's being obnoxious. So ok, what exactly ARE the withdrawal effects? How can I keep myself from getting so incredibly pissed off this time around?

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