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Everything posted by EnigmaticBelle

  1. Adderall issues in the Triad of North Carolina? Hope I am not the only one. Lauren
  2. Just wanted to see if any sober stimulant addicts (do not have adhd) out there have found freedom from becoming addicted to any kind of stimulant. It was adderall for a long time and was my love, but then it was ephedrine, and da da da da da....Thanks.
  3. Hi, sounds good, but do you have ADHD or are you an addict?
  4. Thank you so much Mike, I never knew there were this many people out there (just like me).

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  5. Hey, may I make a suggestion?? Please think about this...that buying from someone will only make it worse. I swear to you this is true. I continued to steal from people for only like 3 pills. I was so sorry everytime. Please reach out to someone if you are feeling like buying some. I've been there!!!!

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  6. Hello, InRecovery. I incredibly appreciate such a personal, detailed response. I have tried thinking negative thoughts about adderall and it did help for a while. I never thought about what you mentioned: this is your disease talking, not you talking. That is very encouraging for me. Yes, we addicts like to get caught up in the pleasures at the very moment, so it is difficult to meditate on all the negatives that the addiction has caused in our past life. BUT, I will take your suggestion with me Something extra to mention: isn't it great to experience the joy of thinking about how awesome it is to make our life happen on our own? And that adderall has nothing to do with it anymore? Wow, you know, I really did not think that there were many others out there like me, with this adderall problem. I felt very alone for a long time. When my brother told me about this website, I became so happy. My sense of hope transformed to something seen, not only sensed. Thanks again for replying!
  7. Hello, fellow adderall addicts. It's been three years since I've had a prescription. How do you continue to deal with daily temptations, fantasizing in the mind, comparing this life from the previous? Tx.
  8. My name is Lauren. I've been married for a year. I was prescribed adderall several years ago and was last prescribed adderall 3 years ago because of severe abuse. I was misdiagnosed as having ADHD, so the drug functioned as speed. It was a miracle drug. It "fixed" all my problems. College, house-cleaning, weight, personality/shyness, EVERYTHING! I depended on it for every hour I was awake, many nights tweaked out. My doctor weaned me off the medication after learning about the abuse. My parents had to "nurse" me through the weaning. It was (and still is) the hardest hell in the world and wish it NOT on my worst enemy. I continued to steal it, buy it, lie about it, lived for it. I became worn out from hunting the drug, so I became hooked on ephedrine and took LOTS of it. Just a year ago I finally realized that I had a serious problem and I was an addict. I quit ephedrine also. Finally I surrendered. I fell on the floor and cried to God for mercy. I felt stripped of everything that had mattered in my life. Since quitting adderall, I had gained nearly 40 pounds. My whole life, being skinny was important to me. No stimulants anymore, just coffee (that doesn't work). It was either suicide or mercy from God. Still every day I think about adderall and dream about it often (my mother & brother continue to take it). I am on wellbutrin and celexa to deal with depression. The only thing I can depend on now is God. I have no choice but to depend on someone bigger than me. I am weak and He is my only source of strength. It is still a very humbling experience. This addiction has scarred me for life, but we can only learn to go forward.
  9. I live in the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. I have not been prescribed adderall for 3 years now, though I have had many slip-ups. If you live near this area and want to meet up, please reply. I struggle every day.
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