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Posts posted by SecretlyAPerfectionist

  1. Great story. How long were u taking adderall for? How exactly did u go about quitting? Cold turkey? Taper? Did u use any supplements or other meds to help?

    I was taking Adderall at "normal" amounts for about 6 months, and the last six I spent tweaked out of my mind taking about 4x reccommended amount. So a year overall but it feels like longer. I quit cold turkey. I drank Yerba Mate tea that was supposed to be "Energy tea" and started taking HTC vitamins as well as a multivitamin. I was completely pill-free but my doctor suggested anti depressents. I opted against it because I knew I needed to feel the pain. I smoked a lot of marijuana to cope with the cravings and get my mind off of it, but honestly I don't think that any of that really helped. I just replaced substance with substance. What really helped was forcing myself to get out and do things that I used to love. One of those things being going to concerts/shows. While I still didn't feel completely like myself, it was a nice feeiling to get a little natural high hearing live music. Also I took up a new activity, hiking, and fell completely in love. I truly think the time outdoors is what got me to the point where I feel mentally "well".

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  2. Wow, your post was so well-written, and I could relate to pretty much all of it. Especially studying for finals when a friend said "take this, it'll help." I thought I had fallen in love too. It was a long road to learning that this was the most sick and twisted relationship I could ever have, and it was with a pill. I'm glad you came here and posted. How long have you been adderall-free? Welcome!

    Thank you! I completely agree! I had 4+ months clean when I relapsed. And now I have been free for about 5 weeks.

    What about you?

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