Hello everyone,
I’m officially two days into tapering off taking adderall/vyvanse during the weekdays. While I’m already much happier and feel like I can connect better with others, I’m really struggling to get work done. I’ve only been at my job 3 months, but this week, I’ve fallen behind on two deadlines already.
I work in a data-heavy job writing studies. I’m lucky enough that my deadlines are arranged in a way that I can take two-to-three days off during the week with no problem, but I’m really struggling to produce the same quality of writing (or the same thoroughness of data analysis) on the days without vyvanse/adderall. I know I haven’t nearly given myself enough time, but I’m just worried that I’ll never be able to live up to the expectations I set for my work ethic again, and it’s really stressing me out. Any advice or similar stories would be beyond helpful. Thanks!