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Everything posted by Whittering
Hey Quit-once, I just now saw this. Yeah that sucked relapsing like that but to tell the truth I was still in a fog that third month, lethargic, but able to work and concentrate. But my work product was not as good and I only had about four good hours in me per day and it was hell getting up in the mornings. Even though I was very disorganized, looking back on it, I was actually productive, but my attitude had changed. I didn't care about the work anymore. However that state of mind could have resulted in a traumatic work situation that occurred when I came back to work. Anyway, one day at a time. I have the l-tyrosine that appears to be helping. Got a burst of energy yesterday. Had to get up this morning because the kids were late for school. Now I'm writing on here instead of sleeping at 8:10 am. I just hope you guys are there for me when I go back to work and want to start taking Adderall again. Hopefully with this website, the supplements, and knowing my triggers, I can stay off it this time for good and focus on getting my other half off it gradually over the next year.
I'm here to get off Adderall and try to convince my husband to as well.
Day 8 off Adderall. I seem to be really tired but get going around 1:00 pm each day. Just bought L-tyrosine, but have been consistently taking Omega 3, vitamin D and other supplements. I do not seem to be depressed at all or sad but not really up for exercising or doing anything fun. We have two science projects due for school next week so I need to save my energy for helping the kids with those. Doctor prescribed Xanax and Zoloft yesterday when I told him I no longer wanted Adderall. Now I've done it though. If I have a relapse I've cut off my supplier. Big step. Hope I don't regret it later. To ensure he won't be prescribing me Adderall any more I went a step further and told him about my trip to the emergency room a year ago with chest pains, numb left arm, sweating profusely, and the abnormal EKG. I had never told him about it before because I thought he might take me off Adderall. Now that's all I want is to be free of this damn drug! What a liberating feeling it was to tell my doctor I thought Adderall was wrong and shouldn't be given to people who are already stressed out. He blamed it on the XR version but I told him that wasn't it. I should have never been put on it in my opinion. Anyway thanks for listening. I am such an intensely private person and putting these thoughts down really seem to help. I'm just paranoid that people will find out I've been on Adderall. Only me, my husband, my pharmacist and my doctor knows. If I relapse you will know, because I will probably quit posting. I've made such a statement now about hating the drug that a relapse will fill me with guilt and shame.
Thanks Quit-once, I literally laughed out loud at your response. I didn't think about the fish.. Without giving my doctor too much information about my husband, I asked about prescription dosages. He said the most he's ever prescribed was 30mg twice a day and that was rare. I asked what about doctors who were prescribing more? He said they wren't supposed to and that it would create hypertension and other adverse side effects. I haven't told my husband yet about my conversation with the doctor. I am just waiting on the right time but I surely don't want him to die on us. And his company is not one where he could take off for several weeks for withdrawal. And we are pretty dependent on both our salaries, so he cannot quit. I know before Adderall, he used to talk a lot about having his own business and had a great entrepreneurial spirit. It just hit me reading through these various threads on this website that he hasn't talked about that in a long time. Maybe it's Adderall or maybe the economy. I do know when I quit Adderall back in September, I started looking for other jobs in my company. I realized I was in a holding pattern. I was just a drone working my ass off all the time and there were better jobs I could do for more money. That's my new ambition now. I just hope nobody recognizes me on this website. Someone on here said something about staying on Adderall but just being "aware" of your actions. Maybe I can talk to my husband about that. Quit-once, I don't think you responded very positively to that thread, but maybe for someone still on Adderall, it's an approach I can talk to him about. He's in denial. When I tell him how angry and short-tempered he is with the kids and that we all walk on egg shells around him, though he denies it, I can tell he lightens up around the kids. He used to be the most laid back person and now he's a type A personality magnified by ten! But then again with the asshole boss he has and stress at work how do I really know he wouldn't also be like this if he'd never known Adderall? Thanks for the responses and listening to my problems. This forum has helped me so much and I really appreciate this website and Mike for putting it up. I've felt all alone in this fight and feel comforted that other people are going through similar situations. I thought it was odd yesterday and kind of ironic that I went to my OBGYN who I wanted Xanax from five years ago and he prescribed Adderall. Yesterday he gave me a prescription for Xanax. I just wonder where I would be today if he'd prescribed Xanax five years ago instead of Adderall. I wanted something to relax me and he gave me speed. I don't need Xanax now. But I will be very careful about taking any prescription medications in the future.
Thanks Lilah, your response was what I needed to hear. You are right. At least I can be responsible for myself and make sure he sees the changes in me. A lot of prayer can move mountains though and he kicked a cocaine habit before we even met. So there is hope. I went back to my doctor today. He wanted to see how my Adderall XR was doing. I told him it was horrible. I had been angry and agitated the whole time I was on it and had almost gotten two people fired because I realize now I require perfection when I'm on this drug. I told him I was off it now and not getting back on it. (somewhere I read telling your doctor is a big step) He then told me he could put me on a anti-depressant and there was a new stimulant without all the salts in the amphetamine. He called it Folcumin. I haven't had time to look it up. But I told him flat out I didn't want to be medicated any more.
Hi guys, I have a couple of questions for knowledgeable, experienced Adderall users. 1. What's the maximum dose a doctor can legally prescribe? My husband is getting 30mg 3 times a day. Is this too much? Last time I checked he was getting 30 mg twice a day. I was uncomfortable with that, but I noticed yesterday he had changed doctors and getting 90 pills per month. That seems high to me and explains a lot. 2. If he is unwilling yet to see what Adderall is doing to him, would it help or hinder the process if I dumped his pills down the toilet? I think I know the answer but I just dont think I will be able to convince him to stop. He won't come to this site. He hasn't been interested in any of the articles I have sent him on the subject. He's still in the mode I was in until recently that I can't live without it, and definitely can't work without it. We've both been superstars at work until I realized how bad it was affecting our family. I've been off six days and more determined than ever not to get back on. But I was only on 30mg a day. I had no idea until yesterday that he'd gone up in his dosage. Any advice or help on getting someone you love to see what a horrible drug this is? Neither of us ever had ADD as a child, but was prescribed it in our thirties. I went in asking about something to help me with my stress at work, hoping for some Xanax and was given Adderall from my OBGYN. My husband tried some and then went to his own doctor and got some. He's changed doctors three times since getting on it initially. With his personality I don't know if he'll ever be able to get off it. He has an extremely stressful job as an executive level employee with an asshole CEO who has impossible deadlines. My husband works nearly every night until 4:00 in the morning and goes in at 8am. I feel so helpless and just feel so sorry for my kids.
Day 2 off the Adderall XR. Surprisingly I feel really good. Getting ready to go to my kids soccer game. Worked full day yesterday. Was really tired but did good and got everything done by the deadlines. Maybe coming off XR is not as bad? I don't know, just two days into it. Plus I've changed my eating habits completely since coming off it last time. Will check back in if really bad side effects hit....
How's it going now? Are you still off them? Just wondering. I'm getting ready to go off them for the second time. Just kicking myself for not staying off them the first time. I went three months without them but still felt like I was walking around in a fog. Today marks one month since I started back on them. But I'm going to get some l-tyrosine, already have fish oil and vitamins. Hopefully I can kick it and not look back. Back to hard work the old fashioned way!
Thanks for the information! I think back now and wish I'd stayed off it. I just wonder how long it takes for your brain to start making it's own dopamine again. I'm thinking of trying to get off it again in January.
Hi I'm brand new here and trying to quit a drug I don't think I was ever supposed to be on. I have a high stress job that I've had for 22 years. I've been on Well Butrin for ten years because of depression. I seemed fine until we moved in 2005. I was so stressed all the time and always tired and asked my doctor what could be wrong. He said I was probably so stressed out at work because I have adult-onset ADD. He explained that I was stressed because I was trying to do too much and didn't have enough time and it was causing me to worry and get agitated. I travel a lot and had a husband and two kids at that time ages 4 and 6. He prescribed Adderall and told me I would have more energy and be more motivated to get things done which would produce less stress. I liked the weight loss I got with Adderall and was able to excel at work. However my social life was not so good. I worked ALL the time either at work or at home and never took time to relax and enjoy anything. Friends were dropping away and I wasn't getting invited to things any more. Then about a year ago I noticed I was getting very irritated with my kids all the time over meaningless stuff and realized what a horrible demanding, no-fun mom I had become. I went off the Adderall and became so weak and depressed that I got back on. About a year later on September 1, 2011 I went cold turkey off Adderall and Well-butrin and knowing I'd have withdrawals took three weeks off and slept it all off. (I realize now looking back I should have gone off only one at a time, but I was sick of being medicated). Anyway, I had won prestigious awards at my company before I was put on Adderall (as well as after) and so I assumed that I would be ok not being on it. But I found I could not concentrate at all at work. I was so disorganized and for the first time ever was turning things in late. My reputation at work is so high that people have overlooked my discrepancies, but I totally don't care about anything any more. I'm not stressed about it. I just don't care. I gained 25 pounds of course, but have also been more social and have done more outings with friends and family. I didn't even realize this until my husband pointed it out to me. I had parties I was giving again at my house which I had ceased doing while on Adderall. However I was still tired all the time and sleeping alot. Anyway I was called in to do a big job that my company was counting on me to do just last month, and so on November 28th I started back on but it was the XR this time. I feel trapped like I can't work without it. I had always asked my doctor about long term side effects. It is an amphetamine, right? He said not to worry, no documented long term side effects. I've read some blogs now saying coming off it takes up to three years to get your brain back to normal? And that because I've taken it so long my brain chemistry has changed. Is that true? I don't want to be on this any more!! Someone please help me. I didn't have ADD as a kid. Is this adult onset ADD really a diagnosis? Has Adderall changed my brain? I was working fine without it for 15 years! Please respond if you know anything about returning to a normal life after adderall and if its even possible.