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Posts posted by JonesCominDown

  1. My opinion is that rehab is less than worthless. Doctors told me that I would get better soon after quiting (weeks). I quit for 18 months and felt pretty bad the whole time. I've seen articles that says amphetamine permanently changes your brain. Not sure if that's true. It must be one of the harder addictions to put down.

    You're also right about it being hard on your body. If you start to get brown patches on your shins that itch... that is from Adderall (it's actually from high blood pressure in your legs). It can also lead to primary hypertension... which means you have high blood pressure without taking any Adderall. It's also terrible on your teeth. Adderall drys out your mouth. The saliva in your mouth contains calcium needed to maintain, replenish and thicken dental enamel.

    Now, I've got to quit. I don't actually take Adderall. I've been taking Dextrostat (dexadrine), which is mostly what Adderall is made of. Shire Pharmaceutical quit making Dextrostat to push their much more expensive drug, Vyvance. So, I guess I'm done.

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