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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by inlovingmemory

  1. you know i completely forgot about this site, it was inactive for so long and now so many new people have joined. I am not where I should or need to be. I am however really thinking about what would authenticate my life. I know being authentic would.... an NA meeting would work, 3 meetings a day and exercise and diet, and spirituality, would work too, Gosh the first day is not as bad as the third, I cannot talk to anyone about this. Meetings.... i have the schedule, I have the times, but...this graduate class I'm taking, right it ends Thursday and I will defiantly be out of the orange monsters by then. The endless predictable cycle of addiction. A week of physical withdrawal, a week of normalcy ending with anticipation of my next refill. I am powerless over this. I wish I could do what ya'll are doing.

    My moods are violent, rageful and then pitiful as my memories race to and fro back and forth, and all I want to do is sleep. Its either up up up, or down get away from me I hate my life let me sleep.

    any in the low country area of SC?

    advice- advice- PLEASE reply with some advice,words, experiences, slap in the face, something



  2. Hi Tarrahrahh,

    I am in Spartanburg and would love nothing more than to meetup with other adderallics (or ex-adderallics) in the area. Please contact me if you are interested and available for a local meetup in upstate SC. Look forward to hearing from you. Also, if you are the Tarrah who posted your story--mine is so SO very similar.




  3. I was actively involved in AA for 3 years and recently went to an NA meeting. Certain areas are more prone to have addicts of certain drugs, but i assure you there are plenty adderall junkies out there. the program offers instant support, sober people and immediate acceptance. I recommend going- I will be after I get my energy back

  4. To my knowledge and experience, the side effects occur during the intake of Adder all. Acne and oily, tan or red face is consistent with regular use and abuse. Lack of adequate fluid intake and food is also common- days without eating. Your skin should be OK as long as you maintain a healthy diet and skin regiment. Hair loss may be result of poor nutrition. If you can afford it, purchase the supplements mentioned on this forum. Also if you have access to a juicer- this is the best way for fast absorption of vitamins and easy method for consuming numerous vegetables at one time

  5. What are the negative physical effects of adderall specifically and how does your body regulate itself after you quit? I noticed hair thinning, problems with my teeth, and really bad skin after using adderall for a long period. Before I started I barely had to wash my face and my skin was flawless now I use proactive and it still doesn't help much. Could this just be in my head or are these real side effects? If so how long will it take for my body to go back to normal.

  6. I have 5 pills left and I can not do the weening thing for lack of pills. I ate about 10 20 mg. today and am ready for the devil's wrath momentarily. Here is my main concern: I have infant twins to care for until they go back to daycare Tuesday. I have no family help, reli :unsure: able friend- I am soley responsible for them. Do you have any suggestions on coming off adderall while raising infant twins on your own- This week I cannot spend any thing extra for suppliments.


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