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Posts posted by nickib83

  1. Hi everyone,

    My ex-partner and I were together for over three years when he started on Adderall. I didn’t notice changes right away, but a few months after his dosage increased, I noticed a huge shift in his behaviour. 
    He was irritable with everything I said and did, which was generally uncharacteristic of him. His overall demeanour changed; he was no longer calm and laid back, he didn’t laugh much, he seemed to be in a bad mood all the time, he wasn’t sweet and affectionate and started to withdraw from family and friends. I felt like I was walking on eggshells because I didn’t want to do anything that might irritate him. 
    I brought it to his attention, but it did not go well. 
    Eventually, he started to treat me like I was his enemy. He stopped trusting me and accused me of lying, even though I never lied to him. Sometimes the things he would accuse me of didn’t even make sense and they were way out in left field, but he truly believed them. Or he would recall something from years prior, but he would have the details incorrect. 
    He would say hurtful things and not even care about how they made me feel. 
    He eventually ended the relationship but couldn’t give an exact reason why. He showed no emotion or empathy for the pain he caused our family and has just walked away. 
    The way he is now is such a contrast to the caring and sensitive person I knew before Adderall. He gets angry every time I suggest that maybe Adderall has altered his personality and made him stop feeling love. 
    There is nothing I can do at this point, but for my own closure and mental health, I am curious to know if anyone has dealt with these side effects while being on it, or witnessed a loved one acting this way. 
    It’s so awful to watch someone you love transform into someone else and start hating you, and it is all out of your control. 

  2. On 10/11/2022 at 5:38 PM, itsjustm3 said:

    I found this site and it saved my sanity. So many long-term relationships and marriages damaged, maybe even ruined. I'm looking at what it may do to my marriage after 27 years. I am grieving the loss of time that this drug has stolen and the loss of my best friend. Like others, we were going to be that old couple spending our retirement and last days together. Now, I'm not sure what the future holds or if I can stay married and waste more time in the hospice of our marriage.

    I saw the same themes of: started slowly. I thought it was me, I questioned my sanity, and then I started keeping a journal in 2019 after the millionth screaming match and insane behavior (anger, denial, silent treatment, name calling, failed therapy sessions, complete 180 in personality compared to decades of sweetness and love). It is INSIDIOUS because others only see a person working diligently, the overly talkative or enthusiastic person. They don't see the mornings of walking on eggshells, or hear the insults or screaming. They don't deal with lies over and over. They don't deal with the deafening silence or the loneliness.

    I have started Al-Anon meetings and therapy for myself. I have read the articles and the threads here and found so much comfort in knowing I am not alone. I have felt so desperate and alone that at times it seemed only suicide or divorce were my options. Riding the roller coaster of addiction requires tools and support. Some may decide to stay on the ride or jump off and re-gain time.

    Currently, I review how addicts manipulate: https://family-intervention.com/blog/surprising-ways-addicts-manipulate-others/

    My feelings are now: grief, loneliness, anger and a flattening of the concept of love. Trying to repurpose this feeling to love for myself. Setting boundaries can be difficult with this drug.

    I've tried having the same conversation so many ways and it always ends with no change. You can't control it, you didn't cause it and you can't cure it!

    Thank you for this site, thank you to anyone who cares to reply.

    I just read this and it was as if I wrote it myself. Thank you for sharing. It gives me validation that this is real and is happening to others as well. I hope you’re doing well. 

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