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Everything posted by Cheesygorditadunch

  1. You’re in a better place than I was by even being here and reading others stories. Life is so much greater on the other side, I promise.
  2. I’m having a bad mental health day and I don’t know what to do other than post here. My to do list is getting longer with less and less getting done. My energy levels are abismal. I’m rapidly gaining weight. It’s been two and a half months off of stimulants and my dr says I should be back to normal. My husband says to listen to my dr. But I feel like garbage and I’m not doing well keeping up with my responsibilities. I’m struggling bad. Today is hard. I’m mad at myself for being in this position, I wish I never touched stimulants in the first place. I had no idea what getting off of them would be like. As always, any guidance is appreciated.
  3. True. Feels like I’m learning about that for the first time since it used to come in pill form. It’s tough.
  4. Thank you! Maybe I’ll stop by a GNC tomorrow. L tyrosine has helped some, but very subtle overall. Not as much as I’d hoped.
  5. Thank you so much. It feels so good to hear from someone who understands.
  6. Title says it all, these are the two biggest struggles I’m facing. I still feel so groggy and exhausted, motivating myself to do anything is like pulling teeth. I tend to get more energy back at night, but it’s really unhelpful as I need to work and complete tasks during the day. I’m also noticing my sleep patterns are wonky and inconsistent. It’s almost been 2 months, but to be honest it feels like longer. Would appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. This journey is tough.
  7. Thank you! Really looking forward to feeling fully like myself again, hopefully someday soon.
  8. One month for me too, this was really inspiring. How are you doing now that even more time has passed?
  9. It’s been one full month off of stimulants. Tracking how I feel and what’s changed. My energy and motivation is still quite low. I’ve been drinking far too much caffeine and using l-tyrosine, but overall I don’t feel my energy levels are quite back to where I’d hoped they’d be. I almost always feel like I need an afternoon nap, which is not something I have time to do every day. That being said, sleep is amazing. I love sleeping. I slept so little when I was abusing stimulants, it’s really spectacular to be resting again. My job performance hasn’t suffered, which has taken me by surprise. Although focus does require a little more effort, I don’t feel I’ve become worse at my job. That’s been a huge relief. My clothes are tight and I feel/look very bloated. I wish I didn’t care, but I am a dancer and part time Pilates teacher so I see my body in tight clothes in giant mirrors for hours every day. I so deeply wish I didn’t care. I’m considering starting the horribly lame and tedious task of counting calories. It’s so helpful to hear and learn from others with more experience in this process. If you have anything to share or offer I would truly appreciate it.
  10. when you say packed the biggest punch, do you mean it was the hardest?
  11. Week 1 was hell, then week 2 was unexpectedly great. I noticed the small joys stimulants had taken from me and for the first time in so long felt hopeful and inspired. I’m now halfway through week 3 and have lost it all. I’m lethargic, struggling to focus, dreading going to work with all my being, and feeling deeply unmotivated to do anything to help myself. When week 2 was going well I didn’t consider it could be so drastically temporary. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I would so appreciate any advice as I continue to adjust. Going back to stimulants is not an option for me, I just want to feel good again.
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