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Everything posted by SGOD

  1. I can't believe other people are going through what my family are going through. My wife and I separated 5 years ago amicably. We've always got along like a house on fire and have co-parented so well. We were still best mates. All that changed when my 15yr old son was diagnosed with ADHD. He was prescribed medication to treat it and after a couple of months, he decided he didn't want to take the meds anymore. Since then, academically he has improved so much! Going to every class, getting all the work done, getting acceptable grades. In his interviews with the doctor, my ex-wife said, "I think I have ADHD". At the time, I thought, "yes, I think you have it too". 6 months later has been challenging. She has her own business and is getting up at 5am and working until 2am. It seems like she is getting heaps of work done? However, my two boys (now 16 & 17) are telling me a different story. Whilst she has always been a caring mother, her recent behaviour seems like she is emotionally detached? She can be very supportive and then cold and callous in the next moment. My kids told me the other day that every warning light has come up on her dashboard of her 3yr old new car telling her to get it serviced. I even had to drop around with a litre of oil as her car told her not to drive 1km without adding oil. How can someone ignore or forget this? The reason I looked for this forum was to find out if this is common behaviour with late 40's - early 50's yr old women who are taking ADHD medication? I don't think it's menopause as her inhibitions have dropped, she's putting her social life ahead of our kids, and seems to be oblivious on the impact it has on them. Also, before you jump on me, I'm perfectly ok with her having a great social life and meeting someone that makes her happy. Something seems a little off though? I'm professionally employed, financially stable and are actively involved in my two young son's lives. Just want to make things better or more manageable for all of us? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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