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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by itgetsbetter

  1. Well, like the title says I thought about getting a script today.WHY?!? Weight gain of course, but not to fear I came back to this site for a refresher course in how awfull this drug really is. I guess now I want to share my story. I'll keep it short and concise, after all I am still aderall free! Lol

    My honeymoon phase with adderall began January 2009. One of my friends, who is still an adderallick, persuaded me to take it for weight loss. Lose weight I did....50 pounds maybe. I was skinny, I was happy, I was on top of the world.

    During those first few months some things really went my way, but not everything. I was laid off, broke, and was forced to move back home. Looking back that was such a miserable time in my life, and somehow adderal really filled a void.

    Being unemployed is great for the adderal user, because you have nothing but time. Time you spend doing ridiculous tasks way too well! An adderal user can spend a whole day on something it takes a sober me to do in an hour. Having no place to be, and all the time in the world to get there ,is an adderal users wet dream.

    When I started working again is when i began to notice all the negative signs of adderal. I had to pee every half hour, and was scared to go to the bathroom! My anxiety was through the roof! I was scared to take breaks, scared to take risks, scared to enjoy myself.

    When I finally quit adderal I was prescribed 1mg of xanax a day to help with anxiety! I cringe when I look back at how crazy I acted, the bad decisions I made, and how truly unhappy I was over trying to loose a few pounds fast. And now I'm back to where I started, almost 3 years later.

    I just wanted to add that I am SO much happier now that I'm drug free. Unfortunately I can't get some of my close friends to see the light, so im hoping maybe my story might possibly help someone to quit! And if your going through the withdraw effects right now it gets better, and your worth it!

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