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Posts posted by ChristopherB

  1. I was off the pills for a year, after 8 years of 30-40 mgs / day, got sick of PAWS, tracked down my old Dr. got back ON the pills for 7 months.  Now it's been 18 months w/out a pill, the PAWS is 10 times worse, seemingly endless (no exaggeration).  Relapsing was such a huge mistake. I feel like, if I'd just stuck with it, I'd be out of the woods and back to normal by now. Never again.

  2. You are probably experiencing PAWS- (post acute withdrawal syndrome).  Some decent info at this link:                                                                                                                                                             http://www.tlctx.com/ar_pages/paw_part1.htm                                                                                 I'm at just about 10 months after going cold turkey from 35-40 mg/day adderall and just now starting to feel kinda normal, although if I get stressed my brain shuts down and I get REALLY irritable. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel though, but it has (for me, anyway) turned out to be a longer trip through it than I thought it would be, 10 months ago.  (Hell, I thought I'd just be foggy for a week or so then back to "normal", Big surprise.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you search this site, you'll find other stuff people have posted about PAWS.                                    Good luck!

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  3. It's been about 9 months since I took my last pill, (after being on it since 2005) and I wish I could say I was starting to feel "normal". But for me, every day is a PAWS day.  Can't sleep more than an hour at a time, can't ever really wake up. NO energy.

    The slightest bit of stress causes my brain to shut down like a hard drive crashing, turns me into a stuttering, brain damaged idiot. Spooky stuff...    Oh yeah, irritable and mood  swingy.  I've been tempted to try Wellbutrin, but that feels like throwing in the towel after sticking it out this long.  I'm afraid it'll be like turning around and running away from the finish line (if you know what I mean).  But the I despair at the the thought of another 6-8 months (or more) of this miserable crap.                                                   

    On a lighter note, I've been lurking without posting for months at this sight, but getting a lot of inspiration from you folks.


    M_F_A, do you think the Wellbutrin is helping at all?  Reading your posts these last few months  it seems like you're doing a hell of a lot better than I am, in spite of your bad week.

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