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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by cburnett

  1. Kris,

    I promise you that it gets better! I was on Adderall for 5 yrs and was taking way more than the recommended dose. I've been off of it now for 10 months and life couldn't be better. The first few weeks is the hardest...all you want to do is sleep, and you can't imagine ever feeling "awake" without a pill. But then one day you wake up and you feel energized without that pill. I went through ups and downs for the first 6 months after quitting...but then I realized that I'd actually go a whole day (or two) without even thinking about Adderall! That's the exciting part you have to look forward to! Also, anything you accomplish feels so much better when you know you've done it on your own. My advice to you is to sleep as much as you need to during this time...your brain needs it. After a couple of weeks start exercising (if you don't already) and that will help with the post adderall weight gain that most of us end up getting. (Exercising is so much better when not on Adderall.) As for your husband, he'll probably like you even more once you get through this withdrawl period...mine did! In fact, our relationship has gotten so much better b/c I'm more fun, I laugh so much more and we spend more time together now that I'm not running around like a crazy woman! :D I wish you the best of luck! Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.


  2. Mike,

    As for the movie Crank...I was thinking more along the lines of how I felt when I used to actually take Adderall (pls note-I took excessive amounts!). Chev Chelios had to keep his adrenaline constantly going in order to stay alive and I also believed at the time that I wouldn't be able to function without Adderall so I just kept taking more and more as my tolerance grew. I always felt like I was on a mission of some kind or another. There was always a project (or 10) that I was working on. I was like a crazy energizer bunny. I didn't know how to just relax and I sure as heck didn't know how to "stop and smell the roses".

    I must add that after 7 months of being adderall free I finally feel normal! Yay! It's the best feeling ever!


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