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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by mattn

  1. Hi, my name is Matt and last Wednesday (Oct. 2, 2013) I took my last dose of adderall (5mg). I received a prescription for adderall to help out with my ADHD a few years back.  Well, actually I started out on Focalin and switched over to adderall because it was cheaper as my doses were increasing (no generic Focalin available at the time). I'm one of those people who really didn't need to drug, but felt that I needed it because it made me feel good, which motivated me.  Likely, I would have been better off taking an SSRI instead of going down the stimulant route, but hindsight is 20/20.  


    At my worst, I was taking 50mg of adderall a day. I knew that I was in over my head with the "addy" after I didn't take it one morning and I felt like absolute crap (physical pains and aches). Also, I felt extremely tired no matter how much I was taking.  I felt very distant and and socially isolated.  I couldn't accomplish anything without taking a dose beforehand (especially workouts).  My life revolved around timing the effects of the pills.  I couldn't take it anymore and decided that it was time to quit.  I found this website and decided to follow the "weaning off" procedure. Luckily for me, my doctor worked with me to help me wean off of the stuff.  


    While off the pills, I'm still working out regularly, but am finding it difficult to become motivated some days.  I'm taking Zoloft (have been for awhile), and that helps, but I can't put as much on my plate anymore.  I'm a graduate student and some people have told me that I picked a bad time to quit, but I think that I made the right decision.


    Does anyone have any tricks that help improve motivation? 

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