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Everything posted by Shorti125
Thanks for replying .. I am calling tomorrow I don't even know why in starting taking them again I was doing fine after withdrawls .. if I stop taking them now will the withdrawls be as bad ...I don't wanna live that life an keep doing this to myself ..
I posted on here one other time .. the first time I got prescribed adderall .. I was on 10s .. went through the whole 60 .. second time I said I wouldn't do that again but this time I was on 20's .. that didn't last an I went through it within a week .. had bad withdrawls an finally was back to myself.. when time came to get refills I thought I could have my mother hold them for me an hide them .. well I found them an was taking one in the morning then a 10 then a whole one at four .. an then halfs .. I starting thinking to myself I can't keep doing this an going through withdrawls every month .. so I told my mom I found the pills so she hide them again .. now I am going crazy because I am coming dowb from them an I hate this feeling .. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow an tell him I don't like how they make me feel an want a non- stim one . I can't handle this anymore the come down is horrible
I have been reading a lot an I don't wanna get back to that point.. I actually like my nuttiness its what makes me don't wanna lose that.. so if I tell my doctor I don't wanna take it anymore will he stop giving them to me
Thank you I will
Lunax I only abused it the first two times I got the meds .. first time was he gave me 10mg twice a day an it wouldn't last so I would take one extra so he up ot to 20mg .. that time I really abused it .. but I have a daughter an don't wanna go through that again .. not having them I was tired an couldn't function at all .. two weeks later I was back to my hyper self .. but I don't think I would go looking for them .. my mom would watch me like a hawk.. llwilson I did that exactly said one more will be fine .. I just don't wanna abuse them an see if they really will help me .. I am actually read the driving manual to get my permit an remember what I read .. more focus on my daughter also .. this is only my third script so I know of I get out of hand then I have to talk to my doctor or even better my mother . She always talks some sense into me ... congrats on the 38 days also .. this last time I really over did it an I don't want that feeling again it was horrible .. Just hoping if I do slip I can have some support from people that actually have been through this .. I was just diagnosed with adhd ... thanks for replying
Well the last time I came on here I wanted to quit .. well I had no choice anyways because I took all my pills .. I was off of adderal for about a month the withdrawls sucked .. but I dealt with it an napped with my daughter . But I wasn't fully there ... well the doctor gave me another script for 20mg twice a day .. I told my mother what I did the last two times so I have my mind set on not taking it like I have an only twice a day ... they really ddo help me focus an do things with my daughter but I don't wanna fall again .. ladt time I wouldn't talk to anyone wouldn't leave my house .. the time I didn't have the adderal I was so hyper by the end of the day I tired myself out .. I would forget simple things right away .. today was the first day back on it an I am focus an not forgetting anything .. as long as I have the support from my mother that if I slip she will take my pills an give me my doses for the day ..
Day 1 no adderal. .. feeling fine right now took 5 hour energy shot lets see how the rest of the day goes
Your right its funny because I waa just thinking that couple mins ago about telling him I don't want them anymore
I will .. I just wish they never gave me these pills I know I have ADHD but maybe there is something better that's not addicting
I like to sing .. an I love to sing to my daughter an seeing her smile but mostly I just wanna make her happy .. I can focus on that .. I went to the park the other day only took one 20mg felt great to see her playing with other kids .. she just starting walking .. thank you again your words have helped me a lot I really don't wanna talk to my mother because she will just yell
When I actually did get the high I would look the drug up an see what others went through .. def don't wanna end up like that
LILTEX41 Thank you means a lot to me .. I knew I was going to get hooked the moment I took another dose .. I said to myself what are you doing this is not me or who I want to be .. but I have always had depression over thinking things .. be a single mom an not able to work because my mom Is disabled. .. I figured what the hell I can stop anytime I want .. then I thought damn I have to go see my doctor every month an he give me the prescription ... I know I can diffently do it have in the pasted .. just need more support now .. thank you guys
I am a single mother I don't really have anyone to watch her but I didn't really have a problem taking care of her I was just really tired an depressed but my celexa took off some of the depression .. I have done coke ecstasy I wasrreally hooked on ecstasy but I just stop an never looked back hopefully I can do the same with this .. its a scary feeling when your heartis racing an you feel cloudy
Not sure if my comment post .. but thank you I had withdrawls the last time I can deal with that with coffee an five hour engery .. I am just worried I am going to get more an do it again .. plus it has already taken over my social life .. I use to go out with my friend with our kids an now I rather stay home .. I only been on these for about a month
Hi I am new to this I figured I give it a try since I really don't have anyone to talk to ..it all started couple years ago when I first tried adderal I loved the feeling .. I have always been able to come off any drug that I have taken .. a month ago I was diagnosed with ADHD .. he started me with 10mg .. the first day I was good only took the two I was told to .. I had side effects dry mouth an started smoking like a whole pack of cigarettes. . The next day I took my first dose then my second but then it started not really working so well so I took another ..you get the picture. . By the time I had my doctors appointment for him to check how I was doing I was out of pills an having really bad withdrawals.. so he up my dose to 20mg ir I was so happy to beable to take my pills an stop the withdrawl I told myself ok this is a higher dose can't go crazy on it .. well I got to the pharmacy an they tell me my insurance won't cover it because you can only get 90 a month. . He only gives me 60 .. she tells me to come back in 5 days .. I was so pissed off I called ny doctor like he told me to if I had a problem that didn't help .. anyways I waited the 5 horrible days .. finally got my pills.. first day did good took one right when I got it .. then the second one around 4 .. then my ativan 1mg at 11.. well after that it was all down till .. I started taking up to 60 mg a day. Then 90 then 100 .. well I am just about out now an don't see mt doctor for another week ..it Was so much easier to quiet the other drugs I have tried before because I couldn't afford to keep buying them .. now this is hard I know once I get that script I will get the pills an start this whole thing all over again .. I have a one year old daughter I don't want her to think its ok to pop pills .. I can actually say the pills do really work good for me if I take them right .. I am more focused I can concentrat more an be a better mother to my daughter .. before I was angry all the time had anxiety attacks etc.. I also take celexa and ativan celexa makes it so I am not as angry .. well hopefully I can fix this problem .. maybe I should just get the script but give my mother the bottle an tell her to give me the right dose .. well only have 5 pills left I broke them into 10mg so will use these ones up because I know once they are gone I am fine .. wish me luck