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Posts posted by jonny9

  1. thanks for the response man.

    i remember i also had one the feeling of tingling in my arm, and the eyelid thing.

    before i went to the doctor to get a prescription (got 36mg) a friend gave me a 54mg pill to try (i weight 66kg), so i guess it was the extra dose.  perhaps the eyelid thing happened to me again one or two times, don't remember exactly but that's it.

    do you have a link to refer me regarding the connection to pd?

  2. thanks for all the respones guys.

    now, to my point. i came here because i'm looking for long term side effects. 

    i have no problem with the psychological issues - "i know i'm better only with the pill". that's fine by me.

    reading the article about the stages, i would say i'm in stage 3, altough i have exprienced some depressions + Nihilism, mainly the feeling i sometimes have is - "ok i have all this power, but it won't last forever, sometime in the future i will die, and what does it matter". i think i had 2-3 panic attacks about death in the last 2.5 years, but i think it was something i already thought about before using. its kinda like the pill makes me feel so good, all worries are gone, and the only worry left is death :)


    now, as for things declining, i am not a person to take more then the dosage i'm supposed to, snort it or whatever. i'm a little hypochondriac so no worries there (if a supermodel would come and say lets fuck, but without a condom, i wouldn't do it).

    for example if you told me right now, there is a research from a creditable univ, that shows taking concerta will increase the risk for brain cancer by 40% when i'l be 70, i will throw all the pills right away. now, as this community probably knows a thing or two about the pill, perhaps someone can direct me to such metarial, if it exists.
  3. hey guys

    i have been using concerta (not exactly adderall but i think same point) for the last 2.5 hours (i'm 31 years old) taking a pill 3-4 days a week. i love the feeling i get when i'm on concerta, i feel like i have super powers on it, can do insane amount of work while on it (i'm a freelancer billing by the hour..), nothing gets me bored, i'm more creative and i feel i can do just about anything i want. even being home, even just watching tv, i feel i am better on it.

    only downside i felt so far, is that in a day that i took the concerta (it affects for 12 hours), when the pill effect is gone, i feel like my battery is dead so to say, as if i crunched all the hours of being up into 12 condensed hours, and i need to go to sleep right after. i would have liked it to not be like this, but it's not the worst thing.

    i only take it 3-4 days a week because i feel taking it every day has to be wrong, health-wise.. usually its 0-1 pills in the weekend, and the rest in work days (if i have a day of errands i won't take it because it will be a waste for me). the fact that the pill lasts for 12 hours is a good thing in that sense i can't take it mid-day, since i won't go to sleep at a normal time. that means i have a window of say 4 hours from the moment i wake up till i can take it, which means i only need to resist the urge for 4 hours :D


    searching the net for long term side effects, i haven't found any, and i was wondering if i'm missing something. i don't mind the short term side effects, like the one i described, or little mood swings, i am only worried about the long term effects. if you told me its 100% safe, and nothing will happen, i think i would take the pill almost every day :)

    what do you think?

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