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Posts posted by lissafae6

  1. Thanks for the encouraging words. I have a couple of family members aware, my boyfriend is the encouragement for my decision to live off meds. My mother liked me better on the pills, but is being supportive of my choice. I guess being a stay at home mother of two while taking on day car efor two other children makes me feel like I need to keep up being super woman and falling short is discouraging.

  2. Still fresh and I still don't know if I can do it for good. But these withdrawal symptoms are hell. I read some posts that people were taking a much higher dose for much longer periods so I feel like a whiner, but I digress. I felt much better on day 3 and even day 4, but now I feel like I'm going backwards. I slept for two days then started doing almost more than I was doing while I was still on adderall. Now I'm nauseous, my head is splitting, and I can't do the simplest of tasks around the house. Why did I feel so much better and now I'm miserable? Did I over do it or did I just not do enough today??

    Xxlosing it

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