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Posts posted by Art

  1. Hi there all, Ive been reading your posts for a couple hours and thought I may gain some insight. About me, 39 year old man who has just been prescribed adderall for the first time in my life, 20mg twice a day. Started off by visiting a psychologist/ marriage counselor with my wife for a number of issues. Although I've joked with my sister who is two years older over our add/hd since we were young adults, this past winter is the first Attempt at getting it under control. I've always found concentration difficult as well as staying on any given task. Money and finance has caused as much stress and anxiety as anything else I've encountered. The consensus between we three, wife, counselor and myself was medication should be tried. I went to a well known and well reviewed neurologist in the area and had a MRI, EEG and basic blood work done. Lexapro was the first choice and after a few weeks found I could barely function. At first no sleep and fatigue then sleeping all the time with constant fatigue. It affected my job as much as at home and could not continue. Adderall was suggested by my Doc and although I had read some possible side affects have not seen anything like what is being posted here, so Ive given it a go. To try and shorten this up, I'm looking for a little feedback for warning signs of dependence. I'm currently going on week 8, no meds over the weekends, and have not found myself experiencing any noticeable adverse affects. I find that if I skip the afternoon dose, I'm sometimes cranky but have not seen any of the other complaints posted here. My conundrum is this, since starting I've felt like Bradley Cooper in Limitless. Ive had experience in my early twentys with coke and look back on that time of my life with disgust and although it was a short run, a little over three years, I had no trouble stopping when I felt I needed to. At the time my girlfriend became pregnant and it gave me a shot of reality. Turned out to be twin boys who are now turning 16, great kids I'm lucky to have. So, where do I need to look at honestly with my use, and what sort of stuff can I expect may change in me which my wife and I should be on the lookout for? Sorry if I'm a little long winded and rambleing. ADD is a bitch.

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