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About MadHatter

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. Thanks for all the encouragement! Day 33 - Holding Strong
  2. what were the reasons you quit in the first place?
  3. Day 25 Feeling positive because I have been off the pills for this long. I have been able to maintain a rigorous exercise regimen and eating super healthy. I really believe that this, in combination with vitamin supplements, has made all the difference in regards to minimizing the crash.My energy levels are just below baseline but after an 8yr all day/everyday adderall habit, I'd say I'm doing pretty damn well. I'm even getting that natural runner's high again. The only negatives that I have are random insomnia and intermittent drug cravings. The insomnia is not bad and melatonin seems to be helping but about once or twice a week i have a hell of a time getting to sleep. As far as the adderall cravings, they come and go but the trick is just getting my mind off of it and letting the feeling pass. Another downside to dosing myself all day long with adderall is that I have, unfortunately, created a lot of triggers. The good thing is that every time I resist a craving, I feel like I'm breaking that bad neural pathway and building another, stronger pathway. One last thing, I can't leave out ....My girlfriend. She's been super supportive and a big part of my recovery. From putting up with my grumpy ass moods, to helping me around the house, to providing support the whole way, she has been amazing and I'm truly fortunate to have her. Until next time...Mind Over Matter! -MH
  4. Congrats Newbury! I feel the same way about post adderall exercise. There's a much better feeling of accomplishment without the pills. (Probably because its so much harder lol) Day 24 - Out the door
  5. ZK, I sure hope so! Day 14 & 15 - Now history I'm halfway there...
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