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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by Chipper

  1. Hello there, this was a major reason I quit. On adderall I kept getting dehydrated and my favorite thing to do at night was to pick at my face. Now, I've been almost 3 months off adderall, and my skin is finally just now clearing. I had to drastically cut my finger nails and cut my hair to prevent anymore breakouts. My friends almost put an E collar on me!! Honestly, I think my face still needs more time to heal. I used to spend so much time in the shower cleaning myself cleaning the bathroom at least twice a day. Now I'm lucky if I even take shower by noon. That has something to do with I'm sure. Great topic!!

  2. I lost my dream job too....for all the reasons y'all mentioned. Very good reasons! I laughed while reading, but it's really serious. I'm just glad I have unemployment. It's been almost 3 months, and I still haven't got a job! I was accepted into a graduate program though. This really isn't like me and I have to say that this is the worst part of my life or my career has ever been. My career was my life.

  3. Right now I'm addicted to QT's frozen energy drink Rooster Booster. Almost everyday I get one that is half diet and half regular. I am looking for something similar, but I can't seem to find any frozen treats that contain at least some caffeine. The reason I prefer it frozen is that it gives me a brain freeze and that helps turn on my brain somehow. Call me crazy but it works.

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  4. Hello, I've been lurking around, only checking in when I go through tough withdrawal moments. I've been without adderall since the end of April, about one month and 2 weeks, I think. This is absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done, and I'm almost 40 years old. I was on adderall for about 5 years. About 2 years ago, I noticed I was addicted. Then, about a year ago, I started getting very paranoid, mostly about my coworkers hacking my personal computer or about my lover cheating on me. Paranoia was not new to me since I'm naturally a paranoid person anyway. But, I decided I would choose my lover over my job by giving work less of me (they obviously didn't like me anyway) and giving my lover more of me. Well I ended up giving so much of me at home that I began to pop 12 10mg adderall per day. I was Superwoman! But at the end of every 30 day supply I would crash for about a week. My doctor and my lover (who is a doctor too) were concerned so much so that they consulted, and that was the beginning of the end of adderall for me.

    It is a shame because I really need a stimulate in order to be functioning. I always had problems in school, a slight stutter, a little inattention resulting in genuine sincere apologies for mistakes at work, a real problem with relating to people and being extremely shy my whole life. Most people think I'm stuck up. I'm far from it.

    So it's been about a month and a half without those dirty blue chalking pills that left residue wherever they were, and I'm hopeful but concerned about my extreme lack of motivation. I have no idea what to do. If my brain was under achieving naturally since birth, I know it's performing poorly and unhealthy now. Before adderall, I was smoking pot daily for about 6 years. Plus, when I was 11 my father passed away suddenly and that has caused a permanent case of depression that I'll have for the rest of my life.

    Since quitting, I was let go from my job. Luckily I have a great relationship with my lover.....now more than ever. However, my pessimistic lazy self is no fun to be around sometimes. I miss the days when I could mow the grass, clean the pool, and backup my computers in one day. I have no patience for anything now. And I need to find a new job. This really sucks ass. But those little blue pills aren't the answer, they just leave residual messes behind like blue stains on my teeth and clothes and debilitating paranoia.

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