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Posts posted by Rina

  1. I have mixed feelings about the drug.

    I'm 26, a stay-at-home-mom, an artist, a massage therapist and a military wife ( I mention the last one because I get little help at home).

    Past teachers and employers have taken me aside and asked me if I was ADD...a bit embarrassing to say the least.

    I was officially diagnosed with add last year and was given adderall xr 10 mg but I was also diagnosed with hyperthyroidism /Graves' disease around the same time.

    I saw a doctor who said I had a thyroid issue and a chiropractor who ran a hair analysis test and said I had adrenal fatigue.

    (Most medical doctors don't acknowledge adrenal fatigue as an issue).

    Adderall is definitely contraindicated if you have adrenal fatigue.

    I still proceeded in taking adderall.

    I've never needed to increase adderal and I feel like 10 mg has been more than enough. I've never abused it (Ok, we all had our high school indulgences).

    I saw that my productivity, my irritability,my depression, my mood, confidence...everything improved but I still felt scared I'd eventually have to go to a higher dose.

    I also feared I may have been taking on too many projects and being the overachieving, "yes" mom.

    I also noticed when I would take breaks from adderall that I would question why I agreed to do somethings or even why I was trying to seek approval from certain people while on the drug.

    I've been off adderall completely for almost 6 months now.

    The past few days I feel like I've been completely depressed because of my lack of focus and my irritability.

    I'm really starting to question if the positives out weigh the negatives.

    I have horrible irritability issues. I have zero tolerance for loud noises, obnoxious people, being interrupted in general...etc.

    I feel like I'm the female version Larry David when I'm off adderall ;)

    I ran out and picked up some vitamin-d because my primary doc said I was severely deficient.

    add symptoms sometimes mimic vitamin-d deficency.

    I also picked up some rhodiola.

    This is all out of me trying my damnedest not to revert to adderal and I'm hoping it works.

    I eat extremely healthy all the time.

    I take a wide range of prescribed whole food supplements for my thyroid and adrenal health.

    I get to bed on time.

    I'm frickin' lost.

    I'm definitely losing my patience.

    I'm question if I ever was really addicted or really benefited for adderall.

    How do you all naturally deal with irritability?

    Advice anyone?

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