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Posts posted by ShackleFree

  1. To all those kind enough to read and share:


    Within the last six months, I was introduced to the scourge that is Adderall (MADderall is my private preference). Prior to initiating a relationship with an "Addy" (zero offense intended), my familiarity with it was vague at best. Antidepressants are the only category of psych medications of which I have sufficient awareness, having regrettably swallowed the "miracle pills" from middle school into high school to no avail. In addition to my extreme skepticism based in personal experience, being subjected to my boyfriend's cruel and vicious outbursts has only served to confirm my suspicions that psychiatry is primarily junk science, not fit to even be in the figurative presence of physiologically-based neurology. When he is in the withdrawal state is when the inner demon emerges. He truly acts and speaks as if taken over by a hostile alien presence. During these periods, he has repeatedly started histrionic arguments over small irritants, mercilessly attacked my personality, and thrown various projectile with no amount of restraint. It's become a tiresome Jekyl and Hyde recurring nightmare. No more can I allow this to continue without significant changes on his part. If he is unwilling to seek out nutritional/holistic remedies, I have no other choice but to call it quits. 


    Can anyone help me to gain a clearer understanding of their own withdrawal episodes, so I can in turn show him more understanding?

    All input is INCREDIBLY appreciated.


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