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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

Gregs Z

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Everything posted by Gregs Z

  1. Sheswithme- It sounds like you live a really hectic life and its gotta be scary to think about flushing your pills down the toilet. I only need to stay on task for 10 hours a day, 4 days a week and not having my adderall then scares me big time. Is it possible you can take a week off and lay low? Just sleep, eat, and do nothing? I know these days that concept is laughable but that might give you a chance to adapt without the addy. I think its cool your a DJ and I bet you gotta be on top of your game to pull off your show. I firmly believe creative people are better off without adderall, the balancing act is tough and the adderall is used to keep organized and on task. Not necessarily to help with the "work". GOOD LUCK.
  2. Yea your right addyholic, I'm not going "badass" this time my wife will kick me out of the house. I"m going to wean myself off. Last time when I went cold turkey I had a really bad cold and figured if I'm going to feel miserable and sleep all day then I may as well quit adderall while I'm at it. I cant sit in hopes of getting sick again in order to quit adderall this time around ( I suppose I can hang around a lot of toddlers who are germ incubators and pick something up but no not this time). I guess the other way to go cold turkey is to lock me in a cabin in the woods with plenty of food, water and isolation. Thanks for all of your encouragement.
  3. I am asked if the 20mg of Adderall that I have been taking for the last 4-5 years is helping me, I really dont know now. When I first took the stuff yea it was great but that feeling doesnt last. I now have empathy for drug addicts or alcoholics who cant quit. I am pretty sure I'm taking the drug just to feel "normal", kind of like the alcoholic has to drink just to function daily. Problem is "normal" doesnt seem to be good enough these days. My life sounds pretty much like a lot of people here in this forum so I will spare you my story. I got off Adderall cold turkey once but I was having trouble at my job so I got back on it. I think the real problem was that I was just in the wrong line of work in the first place. I just plain hate the addiction of the stuff and having to make sure I always have a prescription every month in time before I run out. On more than one occasion I called my doctor for a refill and they decided to take a vacation for memorial day or some other holiday and would be gone for two weeks.I would really freak out then. I usually try to stash some pills away in case of an emergency but damn I feel like a total junkie doing crap like that. All in all I think adderall was good help to get me through some tough times but I'm ready to get off it. There should be like a rehab clinic or something for people like us.
  4. Yea, I can totally relate with the girl anxiety thing. I've read that people with ADHD tend to be late bloomers during the their school years, I guess that goes with dealing with the opposite sex as well. I was terrified of girls while I was in high school and never dated. Its really a shame cause looking back I was a damn good looking kid and could have done really well with the girls if it wasnt for the idea popping in my head that all the girls were out of my league just like you mentioned. You said- "I would do my work well, but always in a perfectionist fashion that just wasn't efficient". Man I gotta tell ya that just described me completely! I just couldnt explain it like that. THANKS! Greg
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