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  1. Hi Everyone! I wanted to share my story of how I quit ( I've been off for 3 months and going strong). I was first prescribed adderall in 2003 during my last year of college and it was a game changer for me. It surprisingly made me form more healthy habits, like eating right, going to yoga, meditating, which is nuts because I know most people feel it makes them feel like they were on speed. I think maybe because my dosage was never above 25mg. Additionally my sister ( a trauma nurse) lost it when she knew I was taking this med and she convinced to me to be overly cautious with my health, ie. taking antioxidants, omega 3's, drinking a ton of water etc. Over the course of nine years I can honestly say that I did not notice anything detrimental happening to my health, I even insisted my primary give me a cardiac stress test in 2012 because I brought up the fact that long term usage can be detrimental to the heart, she thought I was nuts but signed off on the test. The cardiologist thought I was nuts as well but he commended me for taking care of my health, all the labs and tests were perfect.. So no damage there. It wasn't until this past year when I was under an obscene amount of stress at work did I start to feel like a mess. Unfortunately when I went to the doctor for my stress and just plain feeling sick she gave me klonopin- (awesome!) so another addiction started and this is how I crashed. Fast forward to five months ago; I knew I had to quit all of it as relying on something to put me to bed and wake me up was killing me not to mention I had no appetite, but I could put back some wine! So I researched everything I could find about nutrition, the body, the brain, etc. My biggest piece of advice is that you have to resolve yourself to the fact that you can heal your body and just because you took adderall for however many years does not mean you're going to end up in the looney bin. The healing power of the human body is a powerful force once you go hand in hand with it. (Sounds corny I know but it's true) So forget about your past and make a commitment to a healthy future. It doesn't happen over night but it does happen. With the health of my doctor I stepped down over 4 months from 20-0. Stepping down worked for me, it may not be for everyone. I also went on the whole30 diet, ( and a green smoothie every day) this radically changed everything and made it very easy to quit the klonopin in one month. The whole30 diet is the biggest pain in the ass but the amount of eating it requires made me realize that my biggest problem was my body was starving, I was malnourished, and on the verge of adrenal fatigue. I also added in additional antioxidants like alpha lipoid acid, asataxthin, and vitamin e(from dr mercola because it's complete). I eat one raw pasture fed egg every other day with 2 drops of liquid chlorophyll. I also added in a very strong probiotic to rebuild my gut in addition to organic bone broth every day. I drink a cup of oat straw tea every day which is excellent nourishment for your nerves. I take a prenatal organic vitamin and Dha supplement because I hope to start TTC in the next 6 months, and prenatals have an ample amount of the missing minerals from adderall starved bodies. I cut out drinking and occasionally have a glass of wine. I started doing strength training again and yoga. While I was stepping down my doctor suggested a very strict "sleep regime" where I was to start "wind down" at 9pm and lights off at 10. And once I'm up no laying around, "bodies in motion stay in motion". I know my plan sounds crazy but it worked for me and I'm certain the fact that majority of people are not eating on adderall is what is making them wonky, your body can't function if it's not being fed with the proper foods. And eating a super real food diet like whole30 Gaps, paleo, anti-inflammatory, jump starts your health. I hope this helps and again make your journey not about "quitting adderall" but about "starting health" Xo
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