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MiamiBobby last won the day on September 27 2014

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About MiamiBobby

  • Birthday 12/21/1987

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    Miami, FL

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  1. Not sure if this is the forum to share my story, but Kayla I'm also around your age, so here we go: I'm a 26-year-old young professional who's been taking adderall for 6 years, habitually the last 3 years. I get prescribed 90 x 20mg IRs a month and usually kill the entire script in roughly 10-12 days. I really started taking it to get into a Masters program, then to get an accounting job, and now to finish the CPA exam, and guess what, I don't even like the damn profession or career field! Adderall just turned me into an emotionless machine to pursue an "acceptable career" that I can't stand when I'm sober. I rather be the less well-off happy-go-lucky bartender I used to be before I really got crankin on adderall. Anyways, I'm about to begin Day 1 going cold turkey on weekdays and weaning off to about 40mgs during the week. To some that's a lot, to me that's about 1/5 what I've been taking. To wean off completely I'm dropping off the remainder of my pills to my younger brother to administer to me daily, embarrassing? Yes. But we all know I have the self-control of any other addict. I also got off the phone with my mom, came clean, couldn't take the zombie/emotionless/passionless person I've become, and you know what, it helped. Did she freak? Yea a little, she'd sell a kidney to put me through rehab if I let her, but how selfish of me would that be.. So..I'm starting tomorrow, it's gonna be a bitch, and I'm just happy im not alone in this. I'm 6'0", in great shape, educated, and have the mental toughness of my 4 year old nephew.. this drug has not been the answer to my prayers that I thought it'd be. Also going to my first NA (narcotics anonymous)'meeting tomorrow night. I've been told I look like an Abercrombie/athlete model (but apparently lots of adderallics strive to be attractive due to our insecurities) so it's gonna awkward as hell walking into a church full of junkies crying about my problems... I'll let you know if it's of any help. good luck Kayla, good luck all
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