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Tom last won the day on August 2 2012

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About Tom

  • Birthday 01/15/1981

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    Quitting Adderall. I don't know what else, I am a shell of a human being

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  1. Hi. I've been clean from pot and adderall now since July 26th. (and of course everything else). So like 2.5 months. It's the longest I've been clean in 12 years. I used adderall in massive quantities via two doctors and always, ALWAYS, smoked pot all throughout the day. I worked in the loop in downtown Chicago and literally smoke breaks for me were actually Pot breaks. I loved walking down by the Chicago river and working from my Ipad alongside the bums, sharing my Pot. I was so lonely and lost, they were my only friends. Today is a miracle and I'm working my ass off to make sure it stays that way. I got a new job (new location), new phone, and I go to church every morning. My mind is starting to work again (at about month 2) Sometimes I miss the intense focus adderall provided. And the confidence. Especially since I'm in sales, but I believe in myself and think I can succeed without it. It's different, that's for sure. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who takes the time to post on this site. Without a doubt, it plays a big role in my continued recovery. God Bless you all
  2. Word Ash, I only know my own head you know...and mine is crazy when it comes to addiction. As far as the addies - sheeeet. I'm glad we have each other to talk to.
  3. @Ashley: I loved taking Klonnipon as well. Xanax was okay but Klonnipon combined with adderall was awesome. I just could never convince my psychiatrist to give me Klonnipon, always Xanax. But I'm a really sick kind of addict - and my psychiatrist knew it. I started thus habit of pulling my hair out in different places. The bald spots were HUGE. My boss let me wear a hat at work. Didn't stop e though. Only a heavy dose of Klonnipon would slow the hair ripping down. For myself, I found that when I drink, smoke pot, Xanax, Klonnipon, really anything - I crave adderall so bad, nothing will stop me from getting more. So I've had to shut them all down permanently. And trust me, I'm an anxiety nut. I originally went o a psychiatrist because my anxiety was so bad I wanted something to help. He gave me adderall....??? Basically, if you are going to deal with all the hardship caused by adderall withdrawal, hy not buck the Klonny dependence as well. Whenever I've been in rehab (6 of them), the meanest and most fucked up fellow "inmates" are the benzo people. I feel really really bad for them. Don't stay hooked! Best of luck! Thanks for the kind response! @Sassy: thanks for writing. I feel really alone and worthless. I have 4 kids under the age of six and quitting adderall is so important to me. But like I've learned on this website, I have to take a few steps backward before I can take a step forward. I'm lucky my wife is super encouraging. Best of Luck Girl!
  4. Hi. I just found this site and even though none of my friends or family get "it", I don't feel alone anymore. So thanks to the guy who runs this. I have 32 days clean today. For the past 2 years I've been taking about 100+ mg of adderall a day. Sometimes I'd switch to vyvanse, but mainly adderall. I've been addicted to all kinds of shit in my life. Really bad stuff I don't want to talk about, stuff worse than adderall but nothing in the past five years except for adderalls. And pot. For me adderall without pot was murder, torture. So i never let it happen. I've found that in order to quit adderall, I need to quit pot too. For me, quitting pot presents a serious challenge too. The adderall is harder, but I guess I was just wondering if I there was anybody else out there dealing with cross addictions.
  5. I'm in Chicago, north side. Would be interested in meeting up with anyone who is going through this shit. I got 31 days clean. best I've found is crystal meth meeting.
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