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Posts posted by theonewhoallmostlostitall

  1. He has been clean now about 5 months. He knows that it was driving him crazy. It wasn't just me that he went crazy on. It was everyone and everything. He questioned everything. I sit back and think on everything once in awhile and think wow what happend it felt like a dream. I would have left him if I did not love him so much. It was really a hell of a ride. As soon as he stopped taking it everything was fine. It was like living with a totally diffrent person.

    My husband is a website programer. There was days where he would not sleep for 2 -3 days while he was taking it. He wouldnt eat. Got supper skinny. The lack of sleep sure did not help how he acted. What it did to my husband was not make him work better it made he think diffrently about everything.

  2. I have been with my husband for over 15 years. This is the story of how adderall almost made me lose it all. I noticed that my husband had been actting really strange before I found out that it was the drug he was taking. His mood and the his way of thinking had changed. My husband did not tell me he was taking adderall. I found a bottle of pills and then of course questioned him. I came to find out that he had been taken them for about 5 months. His doctor gave them to him.

    My husband was walking around acting like he was a paranoid schizophrenic. When I say that please do not take that lightly. I mean that 100%. My husband has a uncle who is a schizophrenic. He was acting just like him. Here are just a few things that I lived with for the course of 6 months. He thought I was poisoning him and even my children. He thought I was cheating on him. He thought I had a secrect life and a secret drug habbit. He thought I had another apt and would go there and have sex with guys when I was going to the store. The list goes on. We had a scratch in our bathroom mirror and he thought someone had climed up and made the scratch trying to mark words or names in the mirror. He was trying to find the code in the mirror that was not there. It was just a scratch. He had written code out on the mirror with dry marker. He questioned everything and everyone not just me. For example I wanted to change my toothpaste he questioned me on why. I work from home so I do not even leave my house but to go shopping. The only friends I had was my brother in law and his girlfriend. We had his brother and girlfiend living with us at the time. They seen it all and they knew he was going crazy. I felt sorry for my brother in law who we raised since he was 15. There was nothing he could do but watch his brother destroy himself, everyone and everything around him. My husband ended up losing his job. The words pure hell do not even explain it enough. I was so very depressed and had no idea what to do. I even thought about killing myself more then once. I did not know how to handle what had been dished out to me. He was paranoid of everyone and everything around him. I just did not know what to do. I researched online and found lots of posts about people losing everything because of this drug.

    To make a very long story short my husband stopped taking the adderall and he is perfectly fine now. Just like his old self. Its rather sad that they give this drug out as easy as they do to people. With its horrible side effects. They pass it out so easy here that when you try to fill your prescription you have to call all the Pharmacies just to see if they have it in stock. 98% of the time they are sold out.

    After living the life I did those months I now see why the world is so crazy. All these prescription drugs. They are not good for anyone.

    Thanks for letting me share. I hope this helps some other house wife out there that is or has gone through what I have. I feel sorry for anyone who have to live with a person on adderall.

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