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At the end of Day 50!


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Just checking in with everyone. I'm day 50 off adderall, alcohol, and other bad stuff.  I also started working on the weight I've gained from years of trying to quit. The weight has added up after years of me saying "I'm done" and binge eating like a mad man just to turn around, relapse, only lose so much during the short active use phase before "quitting" and binging again. Most people wouldn't believe me if I told them I was a stimulant abuser.."your too fat to be a drug addict!" is what I'd hear and heard from some close friends. lol

I got up to 230 (I'm 5'10") but I started a keto diet to get back down to my pre adderall weight of 175.  I started my keto journey a little over 5 weeks ago and I'm currently down to 204. The crazy part is how good I feel from doing it and essentially cutting out bad stuff for me.

My overall mood has been great. I'm really surprised...I've listened to a lot of podcast and youtube videos about positive mental thinking and it's really helped me. I must say that not every day is amazing but a bad day clean is better than my best day using.  (that ol line. lol)

To everyone struggling right now in their active addiction I hope you can find the willpower to pull yourself out of it. I took alot of meds in the last 8.5 years and made a lot of horrible decisions and missed many important events with my family and I struggle the most with regret.  I do a lot of self loathing at times but I'm working on that through taking negative thinking and simply trying to find the silver lining or realizing how lucky I am to not be who I was just 51 days ago. 

For people in early recovery, just stick with it. Things will never get better going back to the devil pill....there is a price to pay for taking this horrible drug. My memory is still shot at times but I feel you gotta take action to get yourself better...obviously everyone is different physically, environmentally, and financially.  But moving your body, forcing yourself to work on a task you've been dreading, walking down the street for a set amount of time, cutting out excessive sugars, and anything working on anything else you feel uncomfortable with will start to rewire your brain and make monumental task seem not as horrible.  It's your life! Take charge of it!


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Thank you so much! I’m happy for you trucking along as well!!! I remember you posting on the forums with your other profile years ago. Lol. So I’ve been on the site awhile, wishing I would’ve listened to everyone 7 years ago and quit then. No point in looking back I guess and regret things, I only need to move forward. 

Getting the weight off that I’ve gained over the years has helped me physically and mentally (newer clarity)…If you have the willpower to quit this drug then going on a diet shouldn’t be nearly as hard once you get going with it and see progress.  It takes willpower to get it going but it seems way easier because you can actually see the progress on the scale. Getting off adderall is so much more difficult because you don’t have such a obvious measurement to see your progress lol. 

Good luck! Thanks for responding! The forums a lot less active than it was a few years ago lol



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