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Four weeks free of adderall. Overall, it is unequivocally the best decision I have ever made in improving my quality of life.

It also seems so many tertiary compulsions just effortlessly dropped. Quitting smoking was easy (over 2 weeks now) and I am naturally gravitating towards better eating and I started running again. THAT felt amazing..and I was boosted to see that I could still hold up at a 6.5mph clip (despite 6 years of inactivity and being 25lbs heavier now), how could I have ever forsaken that glorious runner's high for something a dirty, vitality-stealing adderall buzz ?!? There's still tough days, but their do-able.

I do have one major sticking point: mornings I am raging Bitchy McBitcherson, just evil.... I'm all short and snappish with the kids, I feel like throwing stuff (not in front of them, thankfully) my tolerance for frustration is minus 0. By mid-morning though, I'm cool and calm again, feeling alright (though sad I ruined everyone else's day for them, probably)

Anyone else experience this? I'm wondering if it's a particulary body rhythm pattern or prone to some surge of something internal in mornings. I gotta do something to level it out 'cause it's a terrible way to start the day. Thoughts??

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SomedayDreamer that's awesome that you quit smoking so fast and are back into running!!! I feel ya about trading the runner's high for adderall..... the way in which we used to shortchange ourselves becomes so much clearer as we emerge from the rabbit hole.

Sounds like maybe you are just not a morning person? Was this an issue before you started the adderall?

Is there something fun, something you enjoy, that you could do in the morning to start off your day on a better note? Go for a morning run to boost your mood? Dance party? A favorite food and/or activity you enjoy? (And that you will actually get to enjoy now that you're back in your own skin?)

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Congrats on all those amazingly positive changes in your life... going from being a smoking, unfit speed addict to a fitter healthier clean you must be a really great feeling. Inspiring!

I can't remember if you're married (I think you are?) or not but I love to do spoons in bed with husband for 20 mins or so before having to get out of bed, it really brightens my mood, especially in the winter. It's hard to get up, of course, but the cuddles are really comforting.

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  On 2/6/2013 at 8:13 PM, SomedayDreamer said:

Four weeks free of adderall. Overall, it is unequivocally the best decision I have ever made in improving my quality of life.

It also seems so many tertiary compulsions just effortlessly dropped. Quitting smoking was easy (over 2 weeks now) and I am naturally gravitating towards better eating and I started running again. THAT felt amazing..and I was boosted to see that I could still hold up at a 6.5mph clip (despite 6 years of inactivity and being 25lbs heavier now), how could I have ever forsaken that glorious runner's high for something a dirty, vitality-stealing adderall buzz ?!? There's still tough days, but their do-able.

I do have one major sticking point: mornings I am raging Bitchy McBitcherson, just evil.... I'm all short and snappish with the kids, I feel like throwing stuff (not in front of them, thankfully) my tolerance for frustration is minus 0. By mid-morning though, I'm cool and calm again, feeling alright (though sad I ruined everyone else's day for them, probably)

Anyone else experience this? I'm wondering if it's a particulary body rhythm pattern or prone to some surge of something internal in mornings. I gotta do something to level it out 'cause it's a terrible way to start the day. Thoughts??

Im not sure. I am NOT a morning person, but i find i get all bitchity come night time. Hm, not sure. Congrats on 4 weekss!!!!
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ooh I just thought of something. This is going to sound REAAAALLLY stoooopid, but I swear it's too much fun and guaranteed to put you in a good mood if you try it. Decide before you go to bed on an accent. One you can do reasonably well... (I do a really great Indian accent, a reasonable Swedish accent and an AWFUL American accent). Set your alarm to go off on your phone with a reminder that reads, "speak in Indian accent, you crazy cat". Then, make every word out of your mouth for the first hour of the day in that accent. It will drive your family absolutely bonkers and you'll have no end of hilarity knowing that something so idiotic can cause such craziness around the house!!

Scenes have gone something like this:

Husband: Have you seen my blue tie?

Me (in my best Irish accent): I dunno I seen it my darlin'! But I swear I'll look for ya if ya gimme a wee little peck roight 'ere on me cheek!

Husband (giving sideways glance): [Pause] Wha...?

Me (giving a gentle elbow nudge as I walk by): Oooh I dunno what's the mattah whit ya thismornin'. You better get yerself into ye shower over there before you get in a reeeluy baa mood n ruin ye mate's day in the office!

chortles invariably ensue....

Ok so maybe I just gave away too much information about morning rituals in my household... I recognize that this could quite possibly be one of the most lame ideas to any one else ever...

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Adderall made me a morning person to the extreme. (Because adderall only knows extremes.) I would get up 6 am on the dot every morning even though I didn't have to be at work until 9, because those first three hours of the day were MINE. (Well, mine and adderall's.) But yeah, mornings were invariably the best part of my day. All downhill from there.

Since quitting, my mornings have changed in what must seem like a dramatic way to my boyfriend who has been with me the whole time but never knew about adderall. Now I am usually sleeping in till 7:45 or 8. At first he thought something was terribly wrong. Haha. Now he just enjoys the fact that I sleep in with him and don't harrass him about getting up and being productive.

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  On 2/6/2013 at 10:42 PM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

I can't remember if you're married (I think you are?) or not but I love to do spoons in bed with husband for 20 mins or so before having to get out of bed, it really brightens my mood, especially in the winter. It's hard to get up, of course, but the cuddles are really comforting.

I was married once but been divorced for 2 years now (ex wasn't really the spooning type anyway LOL) but oh, how lovely that would be in ideal circumstances ....but whoever mentioned in another post that 'tis better to be alone than to be with the wrong person is spot on.

The morning bitchiness is new, only in post-adderall life. I suspect it's partly to wake up and think of all that stands before me for the loooooong day ahead and it feels hopeless and overwhelming. Then a little later when I start just getting into going through my day, the bitchiness dissipates.

I'll have to try the accent thing, I do a very good Liberian patois :P

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Congratulations SomedayDreamer! We're at the same place in the quit cycle and after 4 weeks I'm just (barely) getting back to being a morning person. When I was on ritalin I stayed up LATE -- often times all night -- so you can imagine what that did to my sleep, or lack thereof. I think it takes time for sleep and mood to really stabilize. For now it's a crapshoot. I might even be desperate enough to start doing meditation ...

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  On 2/7/2013 at 2:52 AM, SomedayDreamer said:

I'll have to try the accent thing, I do a very good Liberian patois :P

Well I have to google that now, because it sounds like a kind of outdoor furniture to me, but I'm sure you do! Try it tomorrow and report back!

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Well, sometimes the craziest ideas work surprisingly well....the affected accent idea helped. I woke up in the usual pissed- off- for- no- reason mood, but I lightened up just by talking to myself like that before the rest of the house was even awake ( can't seriously curse when it comes out: "muddaah foookying") Perhaps I'll try an Irish brogue tomorrow just so I can say "gobshite" LOL

Now if I could just ever get a chance to use an accent WHILE getting laid... wow, morning in all it's glory :P

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  On 2/7/2013 at 6:54 PM, sky said:

"awe yees tharts it gov'vna.... " not sure what accent that is but hey

<a href="http://www.gifbin.com/982640"><img src="http://gifs.gifbin.com/1237977238_pineapple-express-laughing.gif" alt="funny gifs" /></a>

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  On 2/7/2013 at 6:17 PM, SomedayDreamer said:

Well, sometimes the craziest ideas work surprisingly well....the affected accent idea helped. I woke up in the usual pissed- off- for- no- reason mood, but I lightened up just by talking to myself like that before the rest of the house was even awake ( can't seriously curse when it comes out: "muddaah foookying") Perhaps I'll try an Irish brogue tomorrow just so I can say "gobshite" LOL

Now if I could just ever get a chance to use an accent WHILE getting laid... wow, morning in all it's glory :P

I think they call that role playing :)

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